NC17 slash - Rain - Vorenus/Pullo, Rome

May 28, 2014 23:55

Title: Rain
Author: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Fandom: Rome
Pairing/Characters: Vorenus/Pullo
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Prompt: A smoldering fire, the night-watch and an itchy wool blanket
Word Count: ~1060
Spoilers: None
Summary: Vorenus and Pullo share extra guard duty.
Notes/Warnings: Written using prompts from:

trope_bingo: huddle for warmth
mmom 2014 DAY 28

Written for smallfandomfest FEST15

On AO3:


src: tv shows, c: bingo, c: mmom, fiction, note: slash, c: smallfandomfest

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