PG13 slash - Distant Cousin, Maybe - SGA/BvsP/TC - John/Rodney, Emmett/Brendan

Apr 20, 2009 16:36

Title: Distant Cousin, Maybe.
Author: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Rating: PG13 slash McKay/Sheppard, Emmett/Brendan Dean
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count:
Summary: There are giant snakes on the mainland - and that worries Rodney because they can swim! - so Atlantis gets its own herpetologist.
Author's Note: For:
McSheplets Prompt 043 Crossover - with Boa vs Python/Thoughtcrimes
hewligan_100 Prompt 051. Water.

On AO3:


f: stargate, fiction, src: movies, a: joe flanigan, f: boa vs python, p: rodney_john, a: david hewlett, note: slash

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