PG HET - Isabeau/Navarre, Ladyhawke

Jul 23, 2024 14:25

Three triple drabbles written for
seasonsofdrabbles Summer 2024

Title: Cold Nights, Warm Fur
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Ladyhawke (1985)
Characters/Pairings: Etienne Navarre/Isabeau d'Anjou
Word Count: 300 (triple drabble)
Rating: PG GEN
Notes: For
Summary: Isabeau's half life comes with its own problems

Also: July Break Mini Bingo: SHIVER


Title: Forgiveness
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Ladyhawke (1985)
Characters/Pairings: Etienne Navarre/Isabeau d'Anjou, Imperius
Word Count: 300 (triple drabble)
Rating: PG GEN
Notes: For
Summary: Navarre could forgive the guards who chased them, but not Father Imperius, who had betrayed them.

Also: July Break 4x4 Bingo: THE DAMAGE A MAN CAN DO


Title: My Beloved
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Ladyhawke (1985)
Characters/Pairings: Etienne Navarre/Isabeau d'Anjou
Word Count: 300 (triple drabble)
Rating: PG GEN
Notes: For
Summary: Their love transcended even this terrible curse.

Also: July Break 4x4 Bingo: SOULMATE AU

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on You can comment there using OpenID.

c: bingo, fiction, src: movies, note: het, genre: fantasy, r: gen and teen, c: challenge

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