Fandom Update

Apr 20, 2024 17:59


Well, I had planned to get some writing done BUT instead I had an urge to paint my bedroom instead :)

michaelbiehn - nothing this week


crossoverbingo - COMPLETED - 4/25 - nothing this week

A bingo table of AU prompts for crossing over the following fandoms in any combination: The Old Guard, Eureka, Stargate Atlantis, and Jurassic Park



10prompts - COMPLETED - 5/10

Each story must be a minimum of 500 words, and there is NO TIME LIMIT. I've chosen the TROPES table for Joe/Nicky, The Old Guard Movie. I still have a half-written story I need to complete. I added a few paragraphs to it this week.



fandom_empire 2024 - CHALLENGE 01 - COMPLETED

The object is to create 8 points worth of fiction or art for each prompt. Waiting for the next round to start.




comment_bingo Round 5 - COMPLETED - 25/25 - BLACKOUT

I have completed my second card and have asked for a new card :)

ROUND ENDS: MAY 31st, 2024

MY CARDS: 01 | 02


lands_of_magic 2024 - R13

Challenge 07 is unrevealed so I will post up the art I created later. I created 6 icons for a second prompt on the bingo card challenge.



bethefirst 2024

I have written a short story and have posted it up in readiness. I will give it another read through in the middle of next week but it looks like most people want a week's extension.


AO3: Be The First 2024


seasonsofdrabbles SPRING 2024

I have my assignment and need to focus on this next as the deadline is only SIX days away before final pinch hits go out.



whatif_au THE ANNIVERSARY BINGO - COMPLETED - 0/9 - nothing this week


AO3: Whatif_au_Bingo Collection



bitesizedfandomsex 2024

Minimum word count is 1000. I have signed up for this. I have my assignment and it has a couple of fandoms that inspire me.



inkingitout - WORD GOAL: 75000

I have written a short story for
bethefirst but it is unrevealed until APR 20 (probably later if that date is extended) so will get it added to my word count later.

NEW TOTAL: 28406
LAST WEEK: 28406

28406 / 75000 (37.87%)


threesentenceficathon 2024

POST: 2 | 3

100fandomicons 2024 - I must sign up for a second card later this year, probably in June.

Most of the following will have to wait until I make the time to think it all through:

1. Scan/Upload clippings and other articles:
2. Reduce the overall number of files:
3. Sort out the eFiction archives:
4. Make sites mobile friendly:
5. Add items to empty albums:

Please remember to check out the GALLERY and FICTION archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't change the website UPDATE pages for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Not heard from the AO3 team yet so I guess work on moving the fiction archive to AO3 will continue in April/May?

Michael Biehn - AO3 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates

Eric Close - AO3 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates

- eventually, reduce the file count in the Stargate Atlantis and SG1, and Traders directories.
- add more new images/screen caps! I found directories full of images I had not sorted through.

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Nick Lea - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

FANFICTION: I've read a few more stories to complete prompts on my
comment_bingo card

BOOKS: Nothing this week. I have not yet started reading Surviving the Evacuation Part 9: Ireland by Frank Tayell. I did find a free English translated version download of Faraway Wanderers by Priest - it is the book that Word of Honor is loosely based upon. I've sent it to my Kindle so I can read out in the garden now the weather is improving here (finally!).



The Untamed: Fatal Journey: A movie from The Untamed universe focusing on the Nie family with their sword curse. After grave robbers break the seal the two brothers that we met in The Untamed go to re-seal the bloodthirsty sword spirit. In a final battle, the older brother/clan leader, Nie Mingjue is completely possessed by the Braxia sword spirit. Huaisang (his younger brother) plays a piccolo given to him by 3rd brother Lianfang zun (later known as Jin Guangyao) to calm his brother's mind BUT later he realizes the song he was taught by Lianfang had notes to send his brother insane, which is why Mingjue ended up killing his own men believing they were demons. All this ties it back into the original series and fully explains why Huaisang lied about seeing Jin Guangyao move, resulting in Jin Guangyao being killed. He had his revenge for his beloved brother.

Journey to the West: A Duel on Faith: This is the story of the god Erlang Shen and Sun Wukong (The Monkey King) and how they first meet. It adheres to some legends such as Erlang being Yang Jian, the son of a mortal and the Princess Yaoji who was the sister of the Jade Emperor. After his first fight with Sun Wukong he is given his three-pointed, double-edged lance, and at the end of the movie, once he has passed his tribulation and become a powerful, warrior god, he has his dog (Howling Celestial Dog) by his side. Although the movie doesn't cover the final battle with Sun Wukong, we see the Monkey King (The Great Sage Equal to Heaven) imprisoned in a mountain until he can fulfill his destiny of accompanying a Buddhist on a pilgrim. Overall the movie was interesting with some great fighting scenes as both Sun Wukong and Erlang fight against the Heavens for the benefit of the mortals, some of whom are enslaved in terrible conditions after being lied to by the gods in their search to become immortals.

FANVIDS: I was in the mood to re-watch fanvids I have seen many times before.

911: It was such a great start with the guy having 'alien hand syndrome'! Poor Eddie! Loved seeing Buck and Tommy on a date and glad they had figured out everything by the end of the episode. Poor Hen and Karen have their work cut out for them but I am so glad they had the contacts to find out what had traumatized Mara so they can move forward. Love all the relationship talks - Maddie with Buck, Eddie with Bobby, Buck coming out to Eddie and finding it had not changed anything between them, and Buck back with Tommy to give them both a chance to find happiness. And then we have Maddie's wedding! What happened at the 80s theme party? Blood and puke! Where's the Groom (Chim)? Hopefully all will be revealed next episode!

Beyond Paradise: Not seen the episodes yet as I watch this with N. We are FOUR behind now.

Blown Away: We finished watching this season. As much as I admire Morgan and her work, I liked Ryan's installation far better and felt it met the brief better too but I'm not the judge so I can only go by personal aesthetics rather than skill. I wish there had been a chance for Ryan to get the residency in Italy though as that seemed perfect for him and for what he wants to achieve in his lifework. Part of me hopes the guest judge (and artist/owner of that Italian glassware school) will offer him a residency too but I guess that's not what happens in real life. It does all come down to personal taste but overall I thought Morgan's creations were not THAT scary and edgy despite her claims but then I have seen a lot of 'gothic/dark' stuff done far better. In comparison I would have displayed some of Ryan's work in my house if I could afford it and had the room! Simply stunning. Ah well! Hopefully the show gave him enough exposure to fulfill his dreams without that first place prize package.

Call the Midwife: Still have the final episode to watch and I might not bother waiting on K to watch it with me.

Handmade - Britain's Best Woodworker: not watched any this week as I watch this with N

Love in the Moonlight: This is a Korean 'Joseon' period drama about a girl who pretends to be a man and ends up working as a eunuch for the Crown Prince. I'm just over halfway through and the Prince has figured out Eunuch Hong is actually a girl after having already fallen in love with him/her and being conflicted at thinking he was in love with another man. Others are in love with Sam-Nom (Ra-on) too and we now know why she has been pretending to be a boy all her life. Her father was the leader of an uprising against the crown eight years earlier. Now several different factions want to use her in their plots against the crown. I actually started this because it sounded FUN and there are some humorous moments but with each episode it is getting darker. I hope all resolves happily at the end - guess I must keep watching and hope for the best!

The Devil Punisher: Well, my suspicions were correct and Professor Lu was the bad guy - actually a demon pretending to be human who had a 1000 year feud with Chang-nan/Zhong Kui (the Exorcism Lord) from a past life where Lu had fallen in love with the same woman Lady Meng (Meng Hsin-yu/Xiao-bing). Saddest moment was the death of Ouyang Kai as he protected Li En-hsi and learning he was also part of that past life as Zhong Kui's best friend, Du Ping, who married his sister. Sweetest moment was knowing Ouyang Kai and Li En-hsi (the sister) were destined to spend 7 lifetimes together so they would be reunited in the next life. A little fudging of the paperwork meant that Lady Meng's soul was NOT really dispersed and she became a new Lady Meng but with her memories intact so she stayed with Zhong Kui. The whole thing was supposed to be a trial for them to overcome. Not quite sure what they gained other than each other. Usually trials are to elevate a god to a higher position but perhaps in this case it was to give Zhong Kui a taste of human suffering from finding and losing a lost love, perhaps to give him more empathy with the ghosts/demons he exorcises.

The Walking Dead - The Ones Who Live: I need to watch this but have not been in the mood for anything other than fantasy dramas recently

These are all the shows I have collected but have yet to watch. I must admit I've been too interested in all the Chinese, Korean, etc fantasy and horror to have time to check anything off this list. I think I've burned out on SF/Superhero shows for now.

4400 (reboot):
Babylon 5: season 5 and a I think a couple of the post-series movies but cannot be certain.
Battlestar Galactica (reboot):
Being Human (US): episode 211 onward
Bosch Legacy:
CSI: New York:
Dexter - New Blood:
Doctor WHO (reboot): season 8 onward
Hawaii Five-0: season 7 onward
Heroes: Guess this is on the back burner again.
Heroes Reborn:
His Dark Materials:
Justified: Still halfway through season 3
Kyle XY:
Marvels Daredevil:
Mutant X: season 3 onward
Prison Break: not sure where I was up to but I was at least 2 seasons in
Red Dwarf: season 10 onward
Revolution: season 2 onward
Second Chance:
Silo: new series
Star Trek Enterprise: season 3 onward
Star Trek Discovery:
Star Trek Voyager: season 7 onward
The 100:
The Blacklist: season 5 onward
The Expanse:
The Following: season 2 onward
The Last Kingdom:
The Outsiders:
The Peripheral:
The Punisher: I haven't watched any new episodes for a while
The Stand: Still not watched any more episodes
The Tomorrow People: reboot plus I'd like to re-watch the original show
The Winchesters: I want to give this a try at some point
Total Recall 2070:
Without A Trace: season 4 onward
Zero Hour:

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on You can comment there using OpenID.

misc: update

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