Proud Dad

Apr 15, 2013 21:44

I remember my daughter sitting next to me on the couch with a plush raccoon puppet (named 'Rocky') trying to sing along with me when she was 3 years old.

I remember playing guitar for this same daughter several years later to help her win a place in the Kalamazoo Children's Chorus.

I remember several more years later, her heartbreak as she auditioned (twice!) for the vocal program at Western Michigan University- only to be turned down both times.

I remember her dedication and refusal to give up as she refused to take 'No' for an answer- and was accepted as a Vocal Performance major into WMU's Music program after an unprecedented third audition.

I remember her taking top honors at vocal competitions after her acceptance into the program- proving that fierce desire and discipline are forces that cannot be stopped.

I remember her getting a student job at 16 at the local library- which she still has. She used the money for independence in high school, and for rent, lessons, and performance clothing while in college.

Renee has fought and clawed her way into a possibly career-creating opportunity. If this moves you, please check out her page linked here, listen to some of her last recital- and decide for yourself if she deserves some help.

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