Jan 03, 2009 16:44
today i've been really concerned with my moving in february. honestly, i am in no financial position to move right now. although i have no other options as the houses i can usually stay at are no longer vacant. my moms moving with her husband and his brother. my granmda's house's rooms are all filled up with occupants. my sister has only one bedroom and i definitely would not want to impose on her personal space. my uncle has an extra room but my other uncle from yuma will be staying there soon. Where am i going to go?!?!?!?!??! That's seriously all i could think about. and still am, i guess. i've come to the conclusion that instead of renting a studio and not being able to eat or take the bus to get to work, i am going to be looking for a house with an extra room roommate situation. i'm pretty sure i can find one that includeds utilities for around $400. Plus I don't have to get a credit check which helps..lol. I don't think my credit is bad, per se, i mean i know i have unpaid bills.. but i've paid lots and i've never been denied a credit check at an apartment complex. 3 separate ones. however, i do not know what my credit score is and haven't had a credit report in over a year. most of the bills i have now came from late september 06 till like april 07. precisely the year i'm unsure of, collection wise.. i just know i owe them, and that might, and most likely will look bad on a credit report.. blahhh.
But yeah so i will be looking for[a] roomie[s] to share a house with. Wherever you are, i hope you are nice, friendly, respectful of privacy, and have an extra bathroom for me to have all on my own. Regardless, this year is really the year for getting my shit together. i can feel it in the air and i read it in a chinese astrology book.
we are now in the year of the ox.