
Dec 07, 2006 12:16

Okay, okay, it's been a long time since I posted anything of any content here. So sue me.

My office had our annual Holiday party last night. Being that I'm on the committee that put it all together, I had to be there even though my lovely other half (as opposed to her homely other half), is out of state visiting her mom. Luckily one of my older sons agreed to come by and watch my three young ones while I did this, so it worked out.

It was a fun evening. We didn't have anything like the turnout we had initially expected. By the time last night rolled around we'd had 10 staff indicate they would not be able to be there. Out of a staff of 29, that's a pretty big percentage. Luckily the people that did show up were there to have a good time, and they proceeded to do so. It was a blast.

Got home about 9:30 to find that my WoW won't load. Tells me that there's a missing model.MPQ file missing. It did the 2.0.1 patch on Tuesday without any apparent problems, and I even had it running Tuesday night, though I couldn't get in as the server I play on wasn't up by the time I had to crash. Then this. So I wrote their tech support folks. I hope I get an answer sometime soon on how to fix this.
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