Buying a magazine and I wish I was clean! (or beef: the reckoning)

Jun 15, 2003 20:37

Okay, today we went on the ferry (Mont. St. Michel) with Ohio to France. Kimberley and I got out of the room pretty quickly and went over to the elevators and waited and waited... The guy on the floor above us was apparently having some problems with the elevator doors opening and closing on his suitcase. I heard like ten minutes of: *ding* *door opening* *random shuffling* *door closing* *random swearing* *ding* and etc. Then when the elevator finally started going down, it passed right by us! We eventually got on the bus to take us to the ferry station (the first of many buses that day).

It was too early for breakfast, so they just gave us some sort of weird packed lunch. It consisted of: mango juice (good and sickening at the same time), sandwich with tomatoes and unidentifiable meat slices (kinda gross, but I was hungry so I ate half), and an apple (good!). The bus ride took forever, so I tried to sleep but didn’t have much success ‘cause I was cold.

When we got there, we had to wait around an hour before our ferry left at 7:15. I looked around at all the cool and weird snack machines and found a hot drink machine which had what I believed to be Starburst tea (80p). I bought it and was disappointed to find out that it was only (cold) lemonade. I also looked for Febreeze (unsuccessful) and magazines (successful!) I bought something called Sugar ( 2.10) because it came with free nail polish. I didn’t find out until after I bought it that it’s almost exactly like Seventeen except every other sentence is a fart joke. And somehow it manages to be the #1 girls’ magazine in England. Maybe they mean eleven year old girls.

We took another bus to the ferry (even though it was only like 100 meters away!) We stayed on the ferry for six hours. I hung out with Dylan, Kimberly, John, and their friend Jessica. We walked all around the ferry trying to find things to do (while I practically fell over like every five minutes), and we went to, I think, two separate gift shops, maybe three dead ends, an arcade (which had DDR Euro, but I didn’t play); finally we decided to watch a movie. Yes, there was a cinema there. It was playing Phone Booth at 8:30 and Just Married at 10:30. We bought tickets to Phone Booth ( 4.00, but I didn’t mind because I had a lot leftover from yesterday). In the theater we talked to some kids from England. The movie was pretty good and a little stupid and too short.

After that, Dylan was feeling kinda sick (she gets motion sickness), so we went to a restaurant upstairs to get something to drink. We were still bored (and Dylan needed something to distract her), so we decided to see Just Married. It was really stupid, but whatever. Dylan and I were laying on the floor during the movie, and somehow we lost Kimberly in the process. Dylan was feeling better, so we decided to get something to eat. All of the girls (including me) got spaghetti with meat sauce (the only kind - 4.50). It was the first meat meal that I enjoyed as much as a normal meal because the meat tasted exactly like fake ground beef.

Dylan was feeling sick again so she took a nap. I stayed with her and read Sugar while John and Jessica played Beach Volleyball (an arcade game). After that, it was time to go. We took another bus to the ferry station, and I realized that I had NO euros. There was no way to get them either because there was no exchange place at the station. So now I’m totally broke.

We took another long bus ride to Dinard (where I talked to my very first Ohio girl whose name is Jessica and is very sarcastic, but in a funny way), passing through the beach in Normandy where D-Day happened. We went to the American cemetery there. It was really overwhelming to see just how many people died in that battle. There was also a beautiful statue and mural dedicated to it. Actually, I stayed too long there and was late back to the bus. Maybe I kinda got in trouble, but Jarod was even later than I was. We also saw a 360 degree movie (exactly what it sounds like - 2.70, which I borrowed from Sean, also a boy I’ve known since middle school) about the Battle of Normandy and comparing it to the freedom people have today. It was called the Price of Freedom.

When we arrived at the hotel (I slept practically the whole way and Jeff played some French songs that he wanted us to translate into English but no one did), we had dinner: veal!! The final frontier! (Not really.) I tried some of it but, luckily, I hated it. There was also some really good coffee and vanilla ice cream. After dinner, I talked to Ohio and the boys a little bit.

Everyone had a hard time finding his room for some reason. About the rooms: they’re small, but they have a great view of the ocean! And oh my god! There’s no shower, just a tiny bathtub with a shower head on a chord. I still feel all itchy ‘cause it was impossible to wash off all the soap and shampoo. While I was taking a bath, Jarod and the Ohio girls were playing and being really loud and got yelled at by the hotel manager. It’s still bright at 10:00 P.M.!
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