This is more of note to self but at the same time I feel it will benefit someone some day
- alt + shift + G takes a screenshot which gets stored in the document folder as a png file
- alt + G will refresh the screen, this is useful to remove the ghosting which may at times occur
- shift + alt + m on home screen will start the built in mine sweeper game and if you are into games on kindle take a look here
- alt + top row of letters will type out numbers
- Slide and hold the power switch for long enough and it turns off your kindle - further investigations reveal that this is 7 seconds to turn off and holding it for 15 seconds will reset it
- alt + B while reading adds and removes bookmarks
- alt + space turns music on and off (mp3 should be uploaded in Kindle’s ‘music’ folder
- shift + Sym turns speech on and off Space pauses it
- Skip chapters in a book by using right and left on the nav controller
- I discovered that pressing G when in Minesweeper starts GoMoku
The are some things which I want to try but have not as yet -
- Use the Image Viewer in Kindle
- Try using Calibre to remove DRM from the books I have purchased
- Try out the alternate Kindle OS Duokan. Works without jail breaking and claims better PDF rendering
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comments there.