[How To] Live index updates in Sphinx search Sphinx search engine can index huge databases with ease and speed. However, when new data (in database or the configured data source) comes in, there is no point in re-indexing everything again and waste our CPU cycles and other resources. Sphinx offers live (almost real time) index updates using a technique called as main+delta scheme. [...]
[How To] Create content type with CCK fields from your custom module in Drupal In the previous post, Sumit wrote about creating content type through custom module. Creating the content type this way allows you to distribute your custom content type easily without asking your users to create the content type manually before installing your module. But what if you have a complex content type created with lots of [...]
[CakePHP - How To] CKFinder configuration management using component Hello guyz, I am back again with an article on CakePHP. This one is related to CKFinder configuration management. CKFinder is a file management plugin for CKEditor using which you can upload new files or use existing files to link in to CKEditor’s content. There is a config.php in CKFinder’s directory which has many configuration [...]