Last month @ SANIsoft blog December 1, 2010

Dec 01, 2010 12:15

  • [How To] Post data using PHP streams
    Recently, I needed to work on a project that needed to post information to another site without the user actually leaving the site and I needed to do this more than thrice and to different urls ! And I did it! Any guesses how ? What ? Ajax ? No! ? CURL you say ? [...]
  • [How To]Use user-defined variable in MySQL LIMIT clause
    Recently, I got a situation where I needed to select only the first 50% (half) records from a database table. The constraint was that I could not use programming language to add a variable to the MySQL limit clause. Under normal circumstances the code would look something like this PLAIN TEXT PHP: // Connect to [...]
  • [Drupal] Replace default content title with custom field
    Recently I had a requirement of allowing the user to choose the date while creating a new content in Drupal site and that date should be treated as a content title. Using CCK and the Date module, it was easy to add a date field with nice looking jQuery datepicker to the new content type. [...]
  • jCrop Demo using PHP
    This is one more post in my ‘image manipulation using PHP’ series. This one uses jCrop, a jQuery plugin, which provides the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. Most of the people understand what the image cropping is, hence I am jumping to the demo of it by [...]

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

php, sanisoft

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