(no subject)

Nov 01, 2015 10:20

I've survived October, and now it's November. There's always more work! To do this month:


• Revise and deliver Origins of the Cold War lecture, Nov. 2
• Revise and deliver Reconstruction of Europe lecture, Nov. 4
• Write and deliver Postwar Middle East lecture, Nov. 9
• Revise and deliver Postwar Asia lecture, Nov. 11
• Write and deliver Cold War and Decolonization lecture, Nov. 16
• Revise and deliver Iran, Afghanistan, and the Later Cold War lecture, Nov. 18
• Write and deliver Resurgence of Nationalism lecture, Nov. 30

• Read Shirin Ebadi, Iran Awakening
• Check whether Iran Awakening is in at bookstore
• Take steps as necessary to make Iran Awakening available to students
• Prepare Iran Awakening reading guide
• Reread Iran Awakening before discussion
• Prepare for discussion
• Lead discussion on Iran Awakening, Nov. 20
• Decide on reading for discussion 6 [SEMI-DONE]
• Make discussion 6 reading available on canvas [SEMI-DONE]

• Mark passage ID sections on midterm, Nov. 1
• Add up in-class midterm grades
• Record in-class midterm grades
• Post in-class midterm grades to canvas, Nov. 1
• Return in-class midterms to students, Nov. 2
• Mark midterm portfolios, ideally 5 per day [IN PROGRESS: 40/60 marked]

• Watch History of Human Rights lecture
• Prepare History of Human Rights assignment
• Prepare Oral History assignment
• Research historical films
• Watch some historical films
• Prepare historical films assignment
• Prepare third paper assignment based on how it went on midterms

Major Academic Projects

• Reread Versiculi article
• Have a look at Constance Brittain Bouchard's latest
• Revisit Berkhofer, Day of Reckoning
• Consider involving a legit musicologist again
• Reread Dol-Combourg chapter
• Plan revisions to intro, slimming-down inside
• Plan beefed-up primary sources in invasion of Dol section
• Implement revisions
• Translate into French

• Finish UD proposed course blurbs, Nov. 1
• Assemble UD teaching portfolio, Nov. 1
• Submit UD application, Nov. 1
• Assemble CSU teaching portfolio, Nov. 1
• Prepare answers to CSU supplemental questions, Nov. 1 or 2
• Submit CSU application, Nov. 1 or 2 [Nov 9-ish?]
• Look at others' research statements
• Write research statement
• Research UT departments
• Decide on sample syllabi for UT
• Prepare sample syllabi as necessary
• Write UT cover letter
• Submit UT application by Nov. 15
• Contact ME University re: Classics?
• Talk to advisor R about SH
• Update list of places to apply
• Send updated list to R, G, Rbartz
• Research HP department
• Prepare HP cover letter
• Mail HP materials
• Research SHU department
• Prepare SHU cover letter
• Send SHU application
• Talk to R in re: redoing research statement for C

• Keep up with student emails
• Submit last round of midterm evals by Nov. 6
• Be in touch with Amy Livingstone
• Reply to Amy Livingstone
• Be in touch with Florian Mazel
• Be in touch with erstwhile advisor A
• Figure out about mock interviews at Haskins
• Do mock interview at Haskins
• Meet with C about admin stuff
• Submit for reimbursal of books
• Submit for Haskins reimbursal
• Convey bottles of wine to R and G


• Get in touch with Christine about car rental
• Book car rental for Haskins
• Travel to Haskins
• After Nov. 15, book plane tickets home for holidays

• Regular skype times with parental units
• Message/email Morgayne to arrange skype times
• Skype with Morgayne
• Phone call with Lauren
• Phone call with Laurie
• Send postcard/something to A
• Send things to Nana, Grandpapa
• Start thinking about holiday cards
• Acquire holiday cards
• Make holiday card list
• Start writing holiday cards toward end of month
• Congrats card to ES

• Keep self in quarters for laundry
• Keep self in clean clothes
• Keep self in delicious and reasonably healthy food
• Keep new apartment from descending into squalor
• Finish unpacking at end of month
• Figure out semi-overdue return with zappos
• Return shoes to zappos
• Get jacket dry-cleaned
• Wash clothes for goodwill
• Take bag of clothes to goodwill
• Call gas company re: new tenant
• Contact landlords re: outlet STILL not working
• Pay electrical bill
• Submit paperwork for autopay of electrical bill
• Figure out furniture arrangement in bedroom
• Decide if getting netflix
• Decide if getting a TV for the netflix
• Make doctor's appointment in re: possible brainmeds, toenails, physical, weird lump on scalp
• Pay gas bill when it arrives
• Pay rent for December
• Oversee autopayment of other bills
• Order more furniture once bedbug treatment over
• Assemble chair
• Wash and bag up clothes pre-bedbug treatment
• Bag up and wash bedding pre-bedbug treatment
• Figure out how to deal with unpacking and fumigating stuff post-treatment
• Acquire insecticidal strips
• Bag up books, other stuff with insecticidal strips [IN PROGRESS]
• Prepare apartment for treatment, Nov. 2
• Prepare apartment for treatment, Nov. 23

• Daily participation in
mini_wrimo [IN PROGRESS]
• Work on Sherlock medieval AU [IN PROGRESS]
• Work on obvious William Monk/Hester Monk/Oliver Rathbone threesome
• Sherlock rewatch
• Write on some historical fiction?
• Watch hockey when possible
• Maintain policy of accepting all invitations to hang out
• Get together with Z
• Post second overdue meme

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/817936.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

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