(no subject)

Mar 03, 2015 13:32

February was both far too long and far too short, and now it's March. I got some stuff done in February, but not enough! Hopefully March involves less shovelling historic amounts of snow, and more writing, because as always, I have a lot of writing to do:

Dissertation writing goals:

FINISH draft of priories chapter
Significant progress on aristocratic networks chapter

• Think about newly-identified problem of reading things into sources
• Think about what my actual evidence is
• Go right back to Rosenwein and Brittain Bouchard for honor and foundations
• Reread notes on Legros
• Actually reread parts of Legros [IN PROGRESS]
• Reread notes on mémoires de maîtrise about priories
• NOT BEFORE MARCH 4: Reread new Saint-Florent-sous-Dol revision for useful wording
• Revisit some of discarded Saint-Florent-sous-Dol revision bits
• Figure out what I was meant to read in aristocratic women book, read it
• Revisit Venarde, especially take notes from sticky-tabs
• Decide how much to deal with small rural priories vs. castellan ones
• Figure out an actual argument I can actually prove MAKE IT SIMPLE OVERTHINKER
• Revisit Frioul de Donges conference paper
• Revisit Guihenoc of La Boussac example
• Revisit what I have for Roiantelina example
• Revisit what I have for Mainguené of La Guerche example
• Decide on another example (pays de Retz? Saint-Florent in NE? Manceau borderlands?)
• Edit up examples to fit argument
• Keep ideas file for intro
• Write into draft [IN PROGRESS]
• Revise intro
• Write the whole thing up
• Write on it for 3 hours total March 27
• Create work log
• Maintain work log daily

• Revisit Barton on honour
• Revisit Neuschel on honour
• Look through sources for specific info about aristocratic gatherings
• Finish databasifying Saint-Georges charter witnesses
• Finish databasifying Marmoutier charter witnesses
• Finish databasifying Saint-Florent charter witnesses
• Databasify Saint-Sauveur charter witnesses
• Databasify Sainte-Croix charter witnesses
• Databasify other abbeys' charter witnesses
• Reread Conventum for chapter purposes
• To be expanded

Other academic work:

Postdoc application #1
Postdoc application #2
Robin's seminar stuff
Teaching stuff
Learning German [PASSED EXAM! Not crossing off because learning languages never ends]
Translation job
Assorted academic communication and housekeeping

• Have a look at ideadump file
• Write up paragraph on my history of coming to idea for this project
• Write up a bit about turning monastic reconstruction in Brittany stuff into an article NOT INCLUDED
• Write up a bit about what I know about history of refoundation of Saint-Florent
• Reread versiculi de eversione article
• Reread monastic reconstruction in Brittany article NOT NECESSARY
• Read relevant bits of Foulon [LITTLE IS RELEVANT, YAY]
• Case Foulon's bibliography
• Read Berkhofer on administration and accountability
• Read Sharon Farmer on Marmoutier
• Revisit Amy Remensnyder on monastic origin legends
• Have a look at Claire Garault's thèse on Saint-Sauveur de Redon NOT NECESSARY
• Do some worldcat and google searches for dissertations on Saint-Florent, Marmoutier
• Look at what Guillot and Barthélemy have to say about Saint-Florent-Marmoutier
• Decide what constitutes a "detailed research plan"
• Write as much of a draft research plan as possible by March 8 13
• Reread draft research plan
• Tighten up wording to remove a couple of lines
• Solicit more feedback from R and G
• Tweak research plan as necessary
• Come up with dissertation title in consultation with advisor R
• Edit CV as necessary for application
• Complete online application
• Make sure R and G's letters arrive
• Email heads-up about HR form to JB, FS

• Seek clarification on letter, teaching evals, syllabus
• Discuss writing sample with advisor R [VOCATIONS CHAPTER]
• Discuss what letter of application should involve with advisor R
• Discuss everything with advisor R
• Locate teaching evaluations
• Rework syllabus as necessary
• Write letter of application
• Find out about Marmoutier's female house [FOOTNOTE ADDED]
• Prepare writing sample
• Do battle with technology to compile it all into one .frankenpdf
• Submit by April 1

• Reread versiculi de eversione article
• Reread reviewers' feedback on article
• Decide what needs to be done to satisfy reviewers
• Read Berkhofer on administration and accountability
• Plan how to incorporate Berkhofer (or his sources)
• Revisit Amy Remensnyder
• Plan how to incorporate Remensnyder if she's not already
• Attempt diy musicology on versiculi

• Make up grading spreadsheet
• Record quiz scores
• Communicate with prof CG re: missing quizzes
• Mark missing quizzes when located [IN PROGRESS]
• Track down MD's exam
• Catch up with marking MD's exam when it arrives
• Mark short answer questions on midterm
• Mark ID sections on midterm
• Consult with prof CG re: botched ID sections
• Mark and comment on midterm essays
• Calculate midterm grades
• Record midterm grades
• Return quizzes and midterms to students [IN PROGRESS]
• Catch up on readings for March 11 discussion
• Attend pre-discussion meeting, March 10
• Prepare for March 11 discussion
• Lead discussion, March 11
• Listen to religion and Cold War podcast
• Attend Core Assessment meeting, March 18, 11:00 am
• Catch up on readings for March 25 discussion
• Attend pre-discussion meeting, March 24
• Prepare for March 25 discussion
• Lead discussion, March 25
• Determine what edits to lecture need to happen
• Edit lecture
• Edit powerpoint
• Give Cold War lecture, March 26th
• Upload powerpoint to canvas
• Finish student progress reports [3/11 done]
• Meet with students to discuss midterms [IN PROGRESS]
• To be expanded

• Review most recent learnings on duolingo
• Resume using duolingo [Current streak: 5 days]
• Read through German for reading knowledge, March 3-8
• Do some exercises from German for reading knowledge, March 3-8
• Daily reading in Der Hobbit
• Look at dictionary front matter for tips for using it
• Borrow/acquire a better German dictionary for exam
• Arrange time for German exam
• Take German exam, March 9
• Continue with German as above after probably inevitable failure of German exam [NOT NECESSARY!]

• Make wide-spaced transcriptions of letters to be translated
• Prepare draft translation [IN PROGRESS]
• Restore original pagination to translation
• Send draft translations to DH
• Arrange meeting once draft translation completed
• Look into going rates for academic translation work involving Latin
• Propose a price for the project [$250 provisionally accepted]

• Reply ingratiatingly to CP in re: late material
• Probably don't withdraw essay competition submission unless really necessary
• Email Rbartz in re: postdoc app, defense date, bibliography of honour
• Come up with Leeds paper title
• Find out what Leeds paper abstract needs to entail
• Prepare Leeds paper abstract
• Renew MAA membership
• Deal with anything that comes up in re: CSM conference/Congress REGISTERED!
• Book Leeds plane tickets
• Once paid, register and book dorms for Leeds
• Start thinking about submitting petition for extension of time again

Non-academic stuff to do:

• Write and send card to Nana
• Write and send birthday card to Z
• Email Lauren in re: phoning
• Phone call with Lauren
• Phone call with Laurie
• Regular skype times with Parental Units
• Email MB, see how she's doing, get address if necessary
• Prepare and send cheque to MB's parents in TX
• Call and make haircut appointment
• Call and make doctor's appointment
• Reply to
agonistes re: Boston weekend [SO MUCH FAIL]
• Reply to former housemate J re: summer
• Determine Easter travel possibilities
• Make Easter travel arrangements
• Get new travel signature on I-20

• Deposit March rent cheques from housemates
• Keep on top of banking [IN PROGRESS]
• Gather tax documents
• Do taxes
• Watch over online bill payments
• Settle utilities bills with housemates
• Collect and deposit April rent cheques from housemates
• Send April rent cheque to landlady P
• Keep up weekly bathroom cleaning
• Clean tub at least once
• Keep up weekly sweeping
• Mop floors biweekly
• Make sure trash and recycling go out regularly
• Shovel snow if necessary
• Keep up low-level efforts to clean and declutter room
• Keep self in delicious food
• Get haircut [APPOINTMENT 10:30 AM MARCH 5]
• Attend doctor's appointment like an ADULT
• Ask about anti-anxiety meds at doctor's appointment
• Take old clothes to goodwill [Maybe arrange pickup by Big Brothers/Big Sisters]
• Return too-big tshirts to Eddie Bauer
• Return shirt to Boden

• Continue to manage fantasy hockey team [IN PROGRESS]
• Write overdue journal post about Canucks-Bruins game yay!
• Watch hockey when opportunity arises [IN PROGRESS]
• Do some non-fanfiction reading for fun
• Sherlock rewatch
• Get together with Z for serious catching up
• Post regularly to DW/LJ
• Reply to people's posts and comments
• Finish writing Sherlock medieval AU and post to AO3
• Reread Conventum for fic purposes
• Reread Historia calamitatum for fic purposes
• Finish rest of December posting meme, including promised fic

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/794561.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

res agendae resque gestae

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