(no subject)

Jan 11, 2015 14:19

• Make pumpkin pancakes
• DEFERRED: Make peanut sauce [need cilantro; tomorrow or Tuesday]
• Make potato-red lentil curry

• Wash and refill butter dish
• Unload dishwasher
• Sweep kitchen, living room, and bathroom
• Clean sink and toilet
• Clean bathroom floor, woodwork, tiles, ALL THE THINGS
• Make sure trash and recycling go out
• Laundry load 1 (delicates)
• Laundry load 2 (darks)
• Laundry load 3 (lights & towels)
• Laundry load 4 (floor mats) [IN PROGRESS]

• Order new gloves
• DEFERRED: Grocery shop [actually more efficient tomorrow]
• Make sure there's money on student card
• Prepare old jacket for sending to maternal unit who is inheriting it

• Write more thank-you cards
• DEFERRED: Skype parental units [MOVED TO TOMORROW]
• Reply to comments
• Post about weekend

• Practice German
• Read Oury article about Saint-Julien and reform dans l'Ouest [IN PROGRESS]
• Dabble in writing up Saint-Cyr de Rennes example

• Write a little bit on Sherlock medieval AU

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/783993.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

res agendae resque gestae

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