(no subject)

Aug 05, 2014 09:25

It's August, and I'm back from all my academic adventures, which means it's time to settle in and work. Here's my to-do list for the month:

Major academic projects:

Vocations(/donations?) chapter
Translation for prof D
Learning German

• Think very seriously about what analysis remains to be done
• Databasify Saint-Sauveur monks
• Transcribe Josselin charters
• Databasify Josselin monks
• Sort out Breton names
• Sort out Fulcodius/Fulconius names
• Have a look at cartulaire de Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé for monks
• Databasify Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé monks
• Determine what's missing from Marmoutier database LOTS: DEAL WITH LATER
• Check missing Saint-Georges de Rennes page
• Identify and track itineraries of group of Marmoutier officials [IN PROGRESS]
• Write about group of Marmoutier officials
• Finish identifying monks [IN PROGRESS]
• Determine which monks appear more than once
• Make dossiers for reappearing monks tracking itineraries
• Think about how to balance origins/careers of monks in chapter
• Work through process of initiation of contact with monks
• Write about initiation of contact
• Revisit Neuschel, Word of Honor
• Revisit Althoff, Family, Friends, and Followers
• Revisit Gilsdorf, The Favor of Friends
• Revisit Lyon, Princely Brothers and Sisters
• Revisit various older historiography in re: family and religious experience [IN PROGRESS]
• Reread conference paper again
• Reread medieval seminar paper again
• Renew UBC library card, sign out books as necessary
• Request Marie-Thérese Morlet, Les Noms de personnne from BLC
• Write overall expanded chapter proposal
• Plan framing
• Do some outlining [IN PROGRESS]

• Check Prof D's email
• Contact Prof D in re: updates
• Finish transcribing text
• Keep working away at translation
• Finish translation
• Do some proofreading of translation (those verb tenses)

• Locate copy of German for Reading Knowledge
• Work through German for Reading Knowledge
• Make more flashcards on phone [IN PROGRESS]
• Practice with flashcards
• Refresh last couple of months' learnings on duolinguo
• Continue with duolinguo
• Take home Die Gefährten [FAIL, FORGOT IT IN BOSTON]
• Attempt to read on Die Gefährten

Para-academic projects

Conference proposals
Talking To Medievalists

• Pursue communication/thinking about affection panel for Leeds 2015 with
• Organization for affection panel as determined in consultation with
• Think about reform-related proposal for Leeds 2015
• Look at the PIMMS CFPs for Leeds 2015 COMPELLING
• Write proposal for reform paper for Leeds 2015 [FAIL]
• Think about proposal for Atlantic Mediaeval Association
• Email re: AMA membership before submitting proposal?
• Write proposal for AMA conference
• Submit AMA proposal by August 15th
• Keep watching out for Canadian Society of Medievalists Congress 2015 CFPs
• Take action on CSM CFPs if necessary

• Lunch with erstwhile advisor A, August 5th
• Send erstwhile advisor A writings as determined by lunch
• Message RBartz in re: alive? recovering?
• Complete RBS course evaluation
• Email RBS instructor B in re: thanks, arranging digitization
• Email RBS director MS, SJ, in re: thanks for scholarship
• Send long overdue reply to AL re: Leeds
• Email advisor R in re: books, email in August


• Call hotel in Dallas re: possibility of early check-in
• Call hotel in Dallas on morning of re: possibility of early check-in
• Call car rental place re: attaching aeroplan number
• Determine if garment bag is necessary/feasible
• When shoes arrive, determine which shoes to keep/wear
• Take further shoe-order action as necessary
• Send back rejected shoes
• Decide on other part of RB's wedding gift
• Take whatever action necessary to secure RB's wedding gift
• Wrap RB's wedding gift
• Pack for RB's wedding/trip home
• Procure maps for getting to RB's wedding locations
• Reserve taxi to airport
• Attend RB's wedding!!
• Email RB in re: wedding was excellent
• Secure confirmation that Ethan & R have received my RSVP
• Buy tickets to Saint Louis for Ethan and R's wedding
• Reserve hotel for Ethan and R's wedding by Aug. 12
• Reserve hotel in St. Louis for August 12/13
• Reserve car rental in St Louis for Ethan's wedding

• Withdraw US funds from Canadian account to cover rent
• Deposit US funds in US account
• Transfer money from saving to chequing account
• Write note to T and J in re: my trip, fridge
• Make sure landlady P has received lease
• Talk to roommate J about new internet contract
• Arrange new internet contract before August 9th
• Be around Friday from 6:00-8:00pm for RCN technician
• Sign into RCN site to make sure I can [APPARENTLY CAN'T]
• Pay RCN bill
• Enroll in RCN autopay
• Get gas bill transferred into either my or J's name
• Settle final bills with former roommate A
• Email roommate T in re: leaving September rent cheque
• Collect September rent from T
• Collect September rent from J
• Write and mail September rent cheque
• Acquire replacement and replace fridge light bulb

• Phone Brighton post office in re: parcel [FIRST ATTEMPT FAILED]
• Pick up parcel at Brighton post office
• Email Canadian bank with proof of student status
• Confirm updated student information with Canadian bank
• Look into further bookcase acquisitions
• Send parcel, postcard to SK
• Obtain JK's new address
• Send parcel to JK with prezzie for wee TK
• Send books to former roommate JD
• Convey box of caramels to AW
• Make and eat planned salads before departure
• Remove perishables from fridge before departure
• Clean office before departure
• Take back unnecessary library books before departure
• Clean room before departure
• Pre-travel laundry
• Take bag of clothes to goodwill
• Take old exams to department storage
• Other work on decluttering room
• Attend dentist's appointment
• Make haircut appointment
• Get hair cut [3:30pm, Tuesday September 2]
• Sew up torn crotch of pants
• Take dress for dry-cleaning
• Get pants hemmed properly

• Phone Laurie
• Phone Lauren (at end of month)
• Tea with Nana
• Tea with Grandpapa [ARRANGED FOR TOMORROW]
• Lunch with Nana and Grandpapa
• Beach times with Morgayne [SUBSTITUTING BX FALLS TRAIL HIKE]
• Trip to Salmon Arm for pie, taking fuudz to Morgayne
• General visiting at home
• Show summer photos to assembled relatives
• Eat ALL THE VEGGIES from parental garden
• Write journal entries about trip
• Post more to lj/dw [IN PROGRESS]
• Participate in dw communities
• Possibly work on Sherlock/Abhorsen trilogy crossover [SORT OF IN PROGRESS]
• Finish reading Charlotte Brontë, Villette
• Read Tuchman, The Guns of August
• Start reading Ford, Parade's End
• Attend B-W Labour Day party if ride there available

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/760906.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

my overlords the bretons, res agendae resque gestae, talking to medievalists, clever people wouldn't even try

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