In tonight's installment of glamorous life in France, sink laundry. Sink laundry brought to you by Casino Gel Main Express, which at this point, like quite a few other French things, has become an anchor for many strong smell-memories for me. I've washed my underwear in it many times over three trips to France between 2010 and now! It's not quite like arriving in Angers in 2010, when I stepped out of the train station and the smell of people smoking outside brought everything from my semester in France in 2005 rushing back, but it's safe to say that I really recognize its scent! Is there a word for something smelling foreign yet evocatively familiar? Because there should be...
In any case, since my last post, I've finished reading the first mémoire de maîtrise I had to read, and the first fifty pages of the second. I'm also seen and very briefly talked to Prof FM, although I only caught about half of what he said. I wasn't expecting him to show up today, and he took me by surprise even though I suspected it was him talking to the librarian beforehand (and I suspect they were talking about me - I think I caught "Canadienne"). Surprise is not a good place from which to understand French! Particularly not full-speed French at library volumes in Prof FM's delightfully musical but nevertheless slightly different southern French accent! I gathered that he had to go and do something and was going to come back to talk more at some point, which I thought might be later in the morning or in the afternoon. I'm still not sure when he was intending to come back, but I later received an email in which he apologized for his meeting running long, and for not showing up when he said he was going to. He's now suggesting we schedule a meeting, which will be better both for how busy and important he is and for my aural comprehension!
I had great plans for (non-laundry) productivity this evening, but I'm actually pretty tired, and I also got sucked into translating a thing about the archaeology of mottes on duolingo. Archaeological vocabulary FTW! Hopefully no one questions my choice to translate motte castrale as motte, because I tell you there is no standard direct translation - you could go "motte and bailey castle," but really in English historians and archaeologists would probably just say either "motte" or "castral site." Hmm. Possibly fortified motte?
The one thing I did do, however, was pre-purchase my ticket for a guided tour of the
Palais du Parlement de Bretagne for this coming Sunday afternoon. I never managed to take the tour while I was here in 2011-2012, and it's very high on my MUST DO list this time around. What if I never get another chance? It's apparently a fascinating building and very well restored (it had a terrible fire in 1994), and the Parlement de Bretagne, along with the États de Bretagne, was one of the major judicial and legislative institutions of early modern/ancien régime Brittany. I'm very excited! Plus, it gives me something exciting to do on Sunday, which is good, because I don't want to waste any more potential sightseeing days, but Rennes is not exactly happening on Sundays...
This entry was originally posted at Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.