(no subject)

Jul 08, 2013 21:47

I'm still here, and augh, it's July 8th already. I'm (hopefully) just about finishing up the revisions to the first of the two articles I have to get out the door this summer, but I'm not sure. I theoretically finished all the serious revising this afternoon, but by the time I was done, I was so braindead that nothing made sense anymore and there was no hope of figuring out if I'd actually improved the thing... so tomorrow, I guess.

I've declared any productivity whatsoever this evening a bonus, and posting totally counts. If I can gather myself to email the new version of my article to myself and print it out for tomorrow, that counts too. My poor brainmeats.


I have, however, started watching Sherlock, and it's... less bad and less dark and waaay more hilarious than I'd been led to believe. And like okay, I can't even remember the last time I watched anything that passed the Bechdel test, but on the other hand Morgayne convinced me to start in on it after we went and saw Star Trek: Into Darkness on Saturday, so sisterly bonding?. I was telling her about how Laurie and I have divided Kirk and Spock up between ourselves (SPOCK FOREVER), and managed to extract from her that out of Kirk and Spock, she'd choose Sherlock, as couched in assurances that Benedict Cumberpatch comes off much better when not being cast as the baddie, and with floppy curly hair. Come to think of it, I don't think that conversation really passed the Bechdel test, but anyway, she was totally right and I can now sort of see why people think he's hot.

Also, his Sherlock is gloriously ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't enjoy Sherlock being an unrepentant douche as much as I have through the first two episodes, but... so ridiculous. I'm hoping to turn this into watching the whole series with Morgayne this summer - success so far!

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/719986.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

i might be a baby trekkie, that's how it runs

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