(no subject)

May 29, 2013 23:34

At this point, I have more or less concluded my packing for tomorrow's bus-expedition up to Quebec, where, if you remember, I'm going to help celebrate my youngest brother's graduation.

May I interrupt the point I was going to make to say that even the expensive and purportedly tasteful graduation cards at the fancy stationary place in Harvard Square this morning were stupid, inappropriate, and unworthy of Marek and his multiple academic awards and his plans to go straight on into a Masters degree?

Cormac and Morgayne and I are going to pool our resources and sponsor his purchase of some sort of sweet, European-style leather satchel/briefcase for his future grad school career, which will involve working as a teaching assistant, and so will require a sweet bag.

Anyway, as I was saying, bus trip up to Quebec tomorrow. I've packed, except for my toiletries, and crucially, I've made my lunch. My plans for the morning involve the 501 express bus to South Station and then either Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds for coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I think I'm suitably prepared for either unbearable heat or glacial cold on board the bus. I'm crossing my fingers that it all goes smoothly, and both I and my parents arrive in Montreal as scheduled so they can pick me up as planned.

As I was packing and contemplating what books to bring with me... yeah, that awkward moment when you realized that the books you're planning to bring with you for a weekend of holidays and "not working" are going to exceed the carrying capacity of your backpack, and that you're contemplating bringing Dominique Barthélemy on the "feudal revolution" (square quotes, as always, crucial - the book is The Serf, The Knight, and the Historian) with you as "fluffy vacation reading."

Then I was like, "WHAT IS MY LIFE, WHAT ARE MY CHOICES?" and I rethought my life choices and removed Dominique Barthélemy (but left the book I'm currently hardcore reaing and taking copious notes on because my trip back on Monday is totally fair game for work and OMG that historiographyyyy...).

I've replaced Barthélemy with A.S. Byatt, Possession, which I was going to bring anyway, but which I transferred into my backpack from my lunch bag because who am I kidding, I'm not going to read on the bus. If I do it will totally be rereads of mysteries of dubious literary merit. If I get really bored, I can fish it out of my backpack.

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/716707.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

crypto-canadians, the house of maybe, and me one traveller, tyrannical constructs, grad school, clever people wouldn't even try

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