Oh man, I am so tired. I spent this morning doing some teaching-related tasks like marking quizzes and deciding on the pages I'm going to assign in the next set of readings, and I spent the afternoon transcribing some charters, and then doing some serious work putting together family trees from the charters of the priory of La Trinité, Combourg. There was a lot of peering at the computer screen and puzzling out Latin, and now there are four pages of tiny family trees and I was already tired before the day even started, and... FWUMP.
I need to do more, and I was planning a late-ish evening on campus (roommate-avoidance mode=activated), but I think I need to escape my computer screen and florescent lights for a while, and the best way to do that is walk home. I should also do some laundry, which I need to go home in order to achieve.
All this is to say that this entry is really a paean to the wonderful AB, who has finished his dissertation revisions and been hired to a tenure track job, and who is doing me the wonderful favor of writing and giving my course's lecture tomorrow on decolonization, even though I asked him on short notice and have made him research Algeria! If not for him, I wouldn't have had nearly as productive a day working on my research, and I'd probably be facing an evening of lecture-writing right now, as opposed to dragging myself home to do laundry and translate some of the Combourg charters that seem to be summaries of multiple generations' worth of transactions to do with certain properties. I texted him right after supper to check in and see if he had any questions, and he says he's all prepared! I'm a little nervous nevertheless, because the fact that I'm not writing a lecture is making me feel like I'm forgetting to do something crucial... but this might be the favor that means I make it to the end of the semester. There's no class on Monday, which means I don't lecture next until Wednesday, and I only have the one lecture next week. I plan to put in some quality time on my paper, and also to get a leg up on my lecture-writing because I'd like to get the final lecture of the semester written before ultimate drop-dead paper crunchtime arrives.
Anyway, AB=the best! I've promised to take him for lunch tomorrow afterwards, but that seems so little compared to the immensity of my gratitude!
This entry was originally posted at
http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/711059.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.