(no subject)

Mar 19, 2012 11:04

This week, I have to do ALL THE THINGS, and at this point, I want to do NONE OF THE THINGS. I'm leaving on Sunday for a much-put-off week of research in the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, but the prospect is so terrifying I'd sort of rather crawl under a rock. That, plus I'm going to have to commit to some travel plans for Kalamazoo soon, and stresssss.

To make myself feel a little better, however, at least I accomplished some things last week:

• I finished and submitted my TF application
• I finished Remembering Kings Past and it was awesome
• I went to the archives twice and the library once
• I put together a new database and entered just over 100 charters in 120 copies into it
• I redid my iPhoto library to include my latest archive photos and put it on my iPad
• I started reading Susan Boynton, Shaping a Monastic Identity
• I read Wendy Davies on the cartulary of Landévennec and (alas) ruled it out as a source for my project as currently conceived
• I emailed advisor R, prof G, and RBartz
• I submitted and got my advance application for a reader's card approved at the BnF
• I got in touch with my fellow medievalists about their plans for K'zoo
• I dealt with my banking
• I arranged for my mom to send me my tax forms
• I did some cleaning in my apartment
• I kept myself in delicious food
• I read two Nicolas Le Floch mysteries and watched seven episodes of the TV series

And now, the whole, hideously daunting to-do list for this week:

Academic stuff:

To Do Immediately:
• Get in touch with BM re: looking at Cartulaire de Saint-Melaine, Dol stuff for RD
• Email prof FM re: Saint-Florent-sous-Dol paper
• Email SV from pre-February break seminar re: research presentations in Ghent
• Find out about BnF Richelieu and Mitterand sites [in progress]
• Carefully reread email from BnF to see what's up with things
• Email manuscripts department at BnF to check availability of my documents during renovation

Long-term projects
• Archival research
• K'zoo paper
• Investigation of geographical mobility as point of departure for potential dissertation chapter

Spinoffs of long-term projects: Archival research
• Determine what else to look at in AD Ille-et-Vilaine
• Determine exactly what to look at at BnF
• Make detailed, hard-copy list of what to look at at BnF
• Find a way to print out BnF stuff
• If necessary, go to archives/libraries in the afternoons
• Determine what thèses to ILL once back from Paris
• Look at TELMA version, make copy of 4H9 1116 charter of Marbod of Rennes that's in conservation right now at archives

Spinoffs of long-term projects: K'zoo paper
• Rereading/Reading on Susan Boynton, Shaping a Monastic Identity, take notes [in progress]
• Look for things about singing, reading charters aloud, memory
• Get in touch with aunt re: sending image of notation to uncle for identification
• Start writing up preliminary thoughts on K'zoo paper

Spinoffs of long-term projects: potential dissertation chapter
• Identify and enter into database all charters 1000-1120 of which I currently have the text [in progress]
• As much as possible, transcribe the hell out of them [in progress]

Semi-academic stuff:

Major semi-academic projects:
• Arrange weeklong research trip to Paris for late March
• Arrange trip to K'zoo and extension of stay in France

Components of arranging research trip to Paris:
• Pay balance of rent on apartment
• Find a way to print out booking confirmation
• Figure out travel plans to Paris
• Pack

Components of organizing K'zoo and France extension:
• Further discussion of K'zoo logistics with AM
• Register for K'zoo
• Look into flights to/back from France after K'zoo
• Check flight time for flight back to North America, make hotel reservation if necessary
• Look into covoiturage to save money on trains

Other semi-academic stuff
• Email KP re: network filespace
• Listen to French podcasts
• Work on French grammar/vocabulary when opportunity arises
• Read Nicolas Le Floch mysteries but not to detriment of all else

Non-academic stuff:

Tax and visa stuff
• Email MAA re: are they sending me some sort of tax letter?
• Email SS re: I-20 signature

• Work on couchsurfing profile
• Attend couchsurfing meetup on Friday evening
• Facebook-friend SK, suggest having tea sometime [in-person planning achieved]

Communication and internets
• Write and send more postcards
• Finish LJ post about week in Paris
• Skype with parental units on Sunday
• Continue to arrange skype times with siblings
• Skype with siblings
• Email former roommate JD re: next year

• Make list of places to visit/things to do/see
• Email Mont-Saint-Michel re: visite-conférence?
• Stay in touch with B, possibly arrange trip to Switzerland [in progress]
• Daytrip somewhere on Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday

Chooooores of daily life
• Pay phone bill
• Grocery shop and cook as necessary
• Clean toilet and sink
• Clean shower
• Laundry
• Take out garbage and recycling before leaving for Paris
• Sweep floor
• Keep trying to turn off lights by midnight, get up by eight
• Notify landlord/landlady of trip to Paris, pay rent in advance if necessary

• Try to walk a little more than the past few weeks

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/670704.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

failing at life, res agendae resque gestae, clever people wouldn't even try

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