Dec 30, 2011 18:53
I've been working away on my paper all afternoon in the Bean Scene, and I'm making progress, albeit not enough to give me confidence that I'm going to be able to get it done in the now slightly less than fifteen hours until my flight to Calgary tomorrow morning, and slightly less than twenty-three hours until my flight to Paris. The deadline is midnight, CST, and I know that BN, who is collecting and assembling the papers and sending them to the historian who will be judging them, liked my paper, but I doubt he liked it enough to fudge the deadline for me. At midnight CST, barring some kind of crisis, I'll be over the Atlantic somewhere, so I'll have to send the paper before I leave Toronto, at the latest.
That said, I'm just about done the introduction (my project of the afternoon), and if I have time to finish the paper, I think it might be okay. No matter what happens with this article competition, I think it's getting within a few solid edits of being something I might actually consider good. That's a plus, anyway!
Now I'm off to go out for supper (Thai!) with la famille. Of course, I just got on a shiny new roll...