Jan 12, 2011 23:56
Wow, I have been an epic slacker today. I didn't even end up doing much shovelling of the large quantities of cement-like snow that fell overnight and continued to fall all day (a random guy with a parrot hat and a snowblower showed up and did it as I was working my way out from the front stairs to the main sidewalk)! I didn't even cook the delicious-sounding tomato-sweet potato-peanut butter soup I meant to make!
I did, however, thoroughly enjoy lazing around as the snow fell and the wind gusted, and watching as first half a dozen cars, and later, once they'd been freed, a snowplough, got stuck in the intersection outside my house. It ultimately took a second snowplow and a front-end-loader with a plow attached to it to free the first plow, and it was all very OMG SNOWPOCALYPSE (Boston values of). And I read many lovely things on the internet, and slept deliciously in, and ended the day by joyously shutting off the Daily Show, where Jon Stewart was interviewing former governor (of Minnesota?) Tim Pawlenty, and Tim Pawlenty was beaking off (a favorite term of Morgayne's) about the creeping expansion of government into areas better served by private enterprise and charity. It was so patently ridiculous that my inner socialist rose up in righteous rage and I seized the remote and as I said, joyously shut it off.
And that has been my day, on the living room couch with internets. If nothing else, I think it has finally resulted in the healing of the foot I hurt wandering around Vancouver a week ago.
i need a boston tag,
how gritty i really was,