May 27, 2010 16:31
Ugh. I've just rediscovered the book, the preface of which I read in the fall of 2008, that has been flying under the radar as the source of what was going to be my thesis in my paper. I'd been coming at it from a different angle, but not different enough. So it's back to the drawing board completely. Ugh.
And the upstairs neighbours are cooking bacon to the accompaniment of loud and bad music with pounding bass. I can't decide which is more disgusting.
In any case, I'm going to perhaps have a small nap, in the hope that all of the above goes away.
On the bright side, my dad is now out of hospital, but it would still be better if I had a paper topic.
Edited to add, 6:32pm: Intensive dusting in undertaken in my room. New introduction written. Structure for rest of paper implied in new introduction, for further development tomorrow. New thesis more historiographical and less shiny and smart than old one, but also no longer reinventing someone else's wheel. Now food. And Dade being out of hospital, YAY.
failing at life