Feb 18, 2006 20:17
I've never read the Lord of the Rings books... I tried to read The Hobbit once but the attempt ended badly. I do recall, however, the statement Tolkien coined; One cloud is lonely. While it only occasionally rains and seldom pours, I find that potential troubles have the tendency to call up their friends to invite them over to the party.
I made a choice recently and while I wasn't planning on it I'm not at all sorry I did. The cloud comes in at the point where I got a little deeper into the emotional side of that situation than I'd promised myself I would. I over-reacted and called a friend onto the carpet. Having since learned a little more than I knew then, and also having a bit more distance with which to view the situation, I realize my reaction was unfair.
My friend is at a fragile moment and, with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop, I told them I'd been hurt and demanded an apology. Displaying a maturity I'm still trying to attain, my friend not only supplied the apology but has apparently been carrying around guilt for what they perceive as an injury that it will take our relationship quite a while to recover from.
Another ominous ball of sky fluff asserts its presence every Monday Wednesday and Friday... oh, and I forgot, Tuesday nights. My 15 credit hour schedule hasn't quite hit midterms yet but it has already snowballed to the point where I'm wondering if I'll catch up. Through a combination of poor habits and worse choices I seem to be staying up late and sleeping in later. I only tend to go to classes when I know there is some sort of test.
Threatening thunder rolls from another cloud. I cannot seem to do everything expected of me at work. Having received a special training I am expected to accomplish all the duties I was formerly responsible for as well as all the new ones made possible by this new training... occasionally I can do it but more often than not I feel guilty as I punch out at the end of the day. To add injury to guilt a tool I was using today snapped and I fell, hard, landing on my shoulder on a tile floor. It hurts today and, knowing this kind of thing, it'll probably hurt more tomorrow. I can only hope that it will fade after that.
My final identifiable cloud comes in the form of a new circle of friends. Through my work I have begun spending time with a few new people. It's odd that a good thing like new friends would leave me feeling so wary... I have to keep reminding myself that they would not actively seek my company if they did not want me around... and yet... I cannot figure out why they want me around. I've spent so long teaching myself to be content in my own company. It seems it is difficult to un-learn that skill.