Durant Avenue on the Feast of St. Pius V
This post will be the last public entry in this LiveJournal. Starting from today,
Dreamwidth goes into Open Beta, and I will be crossposting here under friends-lock for the benefit of those who do not plan to use Dreamwidth. Crossposted entries will have comments disabled with a link to the original Dreamwidth entry for the purposes of consolidation. If you are already on my friends list, you will continue to see my entries. If not, please go to my
Dreamwidth account to view my entries publicly. You can subscribe to my journal on that service, using
OpenID. I will not be adding any new friends to my LiveJournal account.
I will continue to read my LiveJournal friends list and use this account for commenting. Feel free to remove me from your LiveJournal friends list if you are subscribed to me on Dreamwidth (there will be no content posted here that is not also posted there.)
ETA: For various reasons, I've decided to not crosspost material that's locked on Dreamwidth. However, the majority of my posts will remain unlocked, and you will be able to read any material that is not crossposted via OpenID or Dreamwidth account.
Yours &c.