Nov 11, 2006 21:58
Guess what? Yeah, I have walking pnuemonia, again. I swear, sometimes life sucks. I have been sick for like two weeks now and I just can't seem to get over it. I am running a constant fever and I don't even have the energy to walk to the fridge to get a coke. I am having two shots everyday and the doctors are talking about putting me in the hospital because I am just not getting better. I feel so pathetic and so weak. I hate not being able to do anyhting except lay around. And school this semeseter is going to be so hard to get back at once I am better, because I have been doped up and delirious for weeks. At least I am at home with Momma and she has been taking care of me. That always helps some.
On top of this, Nick, once again, seems to not even care. He hasn't so much as called my parents house in the last week to even ask how I am or anything. Yeah, so I am done. He doesn't know this yet, but I am done. I have wasted years of my life on someone who can't even pick up a phone to check on me when I am so ill. I have done so much for him and given up so much for him that I really have been unfair to myself and for what? There is no reason to keep working on a relationship with someone, when that person can't even do the smallest thing for you.
My dad is getting remarried. I'm not sure how I feel about this, especially since the wedding is set in January and I still have not met the woman who will be living with my dad and partially raising my little angel, Ashlyn. It would have meant a lot to me for him to ask my opinion of her and to insist that I meet her before he got engaged to her, but he is acting like he is in some kind of rush, which is crazy. So I am going to have a new stepmom and little stepbrother in about two months.
Seriously. Why? Seriously. Everything just comes in floods in my life. For months everything is calm and great, then the seems of the damn decide that it's time to bust open and throw around my world for a while.