I last updated about the weekend. Yesterday I had lab, class, and class. It was nice and warm :) I ran a cute little subject in the lab, watched a movie about health care in Communist China in history, and went through alternating stages of sleep in Moral & Social Issues. A blah day. Today it was nice again. although hotter, and I had Intro to SW class, where we watched people's presentations. Had my last field work class. Then I went to art therapy, and that was good. Really nothing I want to write about that.
Tomorrow is lab, class, then going home for dinner for Taylor's birthday. Work and teaching Thursday, work Friday. Then this weekend....??????
Sorta fun guard survey...
Full Birth Name: Tara Michelle S***
Birth Place/Hospital Name: Voorhees, NJ
Place where you mostly grew up: Sicklerville, NJ
Place where you currently live: New Brunswick, NJ for school, Voorhees for home.
Briefly describe the situation you were in that lead you into your first color guard experience: My friend did the marching band guard when she was in 8th grade and she loved it, so I joined when I was in 9th grade.
What was the name of your first Field Show you performed in as a member of the Color Guard: something about bullfighting, cliche Spanish band tunes
What was the name of the your first Winter Guard show you were in: Rocky Point Holiday
What was the name of your first Color Guard Instructor(s): Ed Downs for like a minute, Mark Tweed, Sandy Caracino
What was your first experience with trying to spin a rifle or sabre like?: I dropped spins a lot. Had no muscle control. Lots of lofty doubles, lol.
What is your favorie piece of equipment?: Flag.
What piece of equipment do you want to get better at?: I wish I could toss consistently on sabre.
What piece of equipment is your Forte?: Flag and movement
What are some Nick Names you have received through out your marching career and where were you marching when you got them and who gave them to you?: Tariecloth (marching band), Mascara Tara (Surf)
What was the best color guard experience of your life? (SO FAR): Surf 2002, overall it was a fun season.
What was the worst color guard experience of your life?: first 2 years of marching band, some times at BW
Are you as talented now or have you ever been as talented as you hoped you would become when you first started marching?: If I hadn't taken a break I would be more talented, but I also wouldn't be the person I am... I don't know, my original plans didn't quite happen.
List all of the color guard you have been a part of: Overbrook Band 97, 98, 99, 00; BW 01, 03; Surf 00, 01, 02.
What was your first teaching experience?: Overbrook band 2002
Do you currently teach? IF so, where?: Yea, Eastern band & indoor
What are your future aspirations for your color guard career both marching and teaching? To have a bigger role teaching at Eastern.