Jan 19, 2007 22:08
Trying to figure out a budget for saving for a spring break trip to england and I am quite a bit short. BF and I may have to pull our allowances together and see if we can budget for it together. This also means I may have to turn into PPP maniac and really get some stuff flowing in. Although I wish I had started to sooner I mean I could have had a lot more saved up to sit on and I don't at this point. I could hypothetically back into my loan a couple hundred, but since that goes through to my family's bank account and I have to get them to transfer they're not going to be happy about it. Maybe I can think up some major excuse for it. I'm just screwed. I hadn't anticipated on going anywhere, and if I don't I'm extremely well set off as far as budgeting and saving, but as it is deciding to go this last minute makes me wish I hadn't been spending anything the last month at all. Had I decided in December I was going to go I'd be much better off. Gah, I am going to need his help on this one, and hopefully PPP can get me somewhere too. I just hope we don't need to dig into his end of the funds too much, as he's saving to move back out here and he needs to keep as much as he's got. He's got laid off a job right now and if he can get a new one soon, then we'd be fine for funds, but if not then we're gonna be pushing it a lot.