How can I sleep when I've just finished fixing all the spyware problems my computer was having?!
So here. Have some fandom updates.
Doodlings and drawings that I have cleaned up and fixed and uploaded to DA in the recent past:
Two illustrations for Chapter 37 of Rena Redhead's fanfiction "Custody". (Which I have gushed about previously
on this very journal.)
Argent and Hot Spot, my favorite Teen Titans crack pairing. Doodled during last Sunday's sermon. Yes, I actually did pay attention, but the blank Sermon Notes sheet was just calling to me.
Older drawing I cleaned up and colored.
The two leads of Hayao Miyazaki's latest film Ponyo, a little bit aged up from their five-year old status in the film.
These two are so freaking adorable it HURTS and I ship them SO HARD.
Recent fanfiction:
Brand new shiny chapter of Titans Tales:
Literary Pursuits Fandom flailage:
Since I missed covering last week's Num3brs really awesome episode I've kinda forgotten most of what went on. And what with all the craziness of stupid spyware on my computer on Friday I may not have properly or fully appreciated this week's episode. I will sum up what basic reactions I can remember.
1. Every time Charlie talks about the wedding or refers to Amita as his fiance, I squee a little inside.
2. Don angst at having to shoot a corrupt mentor figure = : (
3. What exactly is up with Larry this season? He's so confused about life and everything I just wanna give him a big hug and set him down with some milk and cookies until he figures himself out.
4. ...anyone else notice the conspicuous absence of Liz in the past two episodes? (Come on writers, where is she? We need our weekly intake of Liz awesomeness.)
5. Nikki checking out the CalSci alum turned hunky basketball player = hilarious. Nikki then being rebuffed by said basketball player at dinner because she happened to be the former cop with "anger management issues" who had pulled him and his friends over after a party = more hilarious.
6. David and Colby pretending to be each other's dates in order to win the bet with Nikki? ...I think I can hear the squeeing of a thousand slash fangirls. (Also, hilarious.)
7. Russian Roulette. Dear jellybeans the Russian roulette. *whimper* By nature I am a squeamish person so every time a contestant raised the gun to their heads, sweating and praying that it wouldn't go off, I closed my eyes and clamped my hands over my ears going "LA LA LA LA" squirming and making these embarrassing high-pitched squeaks until it was over. I tell you. That jangled my nerves way more than most blood and gore does.
8. David is still the most awesome talker/negotiator/crisis averter on this show.
And it is now 11:28 and I'm going to bed. After I frollic some more elsewhere.