Random post be random

Aug 18, 2012 16:45

I've been criminally neglecting my LJ, I know.  After I do my words for Camp NaNoWriMo today I'll see if I can't get this shindig all caught up.  I'll do my review/reaction to The Dark Knight Rises, maybe talk about the shows I'm watching, post fic updates, get in a Lady Appreciation Post, and things like that.

In the meantime though, I have a brief reaction/rebuttal to a bit of shipper stupidity.

This choice bit comes hot off the Tumblr presses.  Why am I reacting here on LJ instead of on my Tumblr?  Because Tumblr feels way more super public and I don't want to start any wank over there.  So I'm retreating to LJ where my thoughts will be more quiet and downplayed and not cause as much of a stir.


"okay just
looking at the robrae tag for the first time
i knew there’d be a significant amount of hate in that tag but jesus christ
do you people not know you can make an anti robrae tag
really not that difficult"

Oh neopuff!  Some days I feel like you are an intelligent, reasonable, well-spoken, chill and cool Rob/Rae shipper that I could totally get along with.

And then you go and pitch a temper tantrum like this and I wonder what the heck happened.

I mean, I don't know how the #robrae tag looks to you but me I've got about ten pages full of Rob/Rae love.  Of the SEVEN posts that are not pure Rob/Rae love (seven out of eighty-one posts total, mind you), two are anti shipwar rants (both by Rob/Star shippers telling their fellows and their rivals not to bash characters or shippers), one is a rebuttal by a Rob/Star shipper to something a Rob/Rae shipper said (which if you read it is indifferent to Rob/Rae itself and just takes issue with the arguments against Rob/Star), and one is someone's askraven roleplay blog.  There are only THREE posts in the whole tag that are like, "I don't ship Rob/Rae.  I don't get Rob/Rae.  I don't care about Rob/Rae."  (Note that none of them actually say they hate Rob/Rae.)  And I checked all the other variations of Rob/Rae tags too, and there are literally no posts there that are not pure Rob/Rae love.

If that's what constitutes "a significant amount of hate" in your opinion, well... I don't know what to tell you.  Except I think you're kind of wrong.  You want to know what I think is a significant amount of hate?  The #elementary tag.  Holy cats.  There is literally nowhere you can go in that tag without running into a BBC Sherlock fan who is like "WHY DOES CBS ELEMENTARY EXIST?  WHY DID THEY MAKE WATSON A GIRL?  AMERICAN TV IS HOMOPHOBIC AND SUCKS!  SEXISMRACISMMISCELLANEOUSFAIL!"
But the cherry on top of the cake were the tags:

"#also okay SERIOUSLY #my brother and me DO NOT ACT LIKE ROBIN AND RAVEN #I DO NOT KNOW A SINGLE SIBLING RELATIONSHIP THAT IS SIMILAR #you dont have to ship them #but they are NOT brother and sister #they are really good friends #okay #stop trying to turn it into incest you fuckers #i wanna slap every one of you"

Oh gosh, that is too hilarious.  Apparently neopuff thinks that people using the Like Brother And Sister argument against Rob/Rae means they think Robin and Raven actually ARE brother and sister and thus they consider a romantic relationship between the two to be incestual.  Which, no.  No no no, honey, that isn't how the trope works.  No one is saying Robin and Raven actually ARE siblings and that romance between them is thus inherently icky because it's like incest.  No one has ever said that Robin/Raven is like incest.  We're saying that the relationship between Robin and Raven reads like a brother and sister bond to us, thus we consider it a platonic relationship and can't really see it as a romantic one.

I'm actually sort of confused as to what she's getting hissy about.  Is it that she thinks people are equating Robin/Raven with incest?  (Which, again, not what we mean when we say that Robin and Raven are Like Brother And Sister.)  Or... maybe she takes issue with people saying Robin and Raven are like siblings.  I'll bet that's it.

It's really rather funny how touchy Rob/Rae shippers are about that, and how they go all dramatic like, "OMG ROBIN AND RAVEN ARE NOT LIKE SIBLINGS!  THEY'RE GOOD FRIENDS!  REALLY REALLY CLOSE FRIENDS!  THEY AREN'T LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER AT ALL!"



(Glen Murakami interview.)



I... honestly I don't know how you can be so incredulous and aghast that people consider Robin and Raven to have a sibling-like friendship.  I mean, Word of God confirms that's how they intended to write it, Robin himself states that Raven's like a sister to him...

So yeah.  People think Robin and Raven are Like Brother And Sister because GUESS WHAT?


Ship what you want yo.  But taking umbridge with a different interpretation of Robin and Raven's relationship makes no sense when that interpretation is, well, canon fact.  Don't be so outraged that people agree with the writers regarding the nature of Robin and Raven's friendship.

This is kind of doubly hilarious to me because I've got plenty of quotes in my wank collection from other Rob/Rae shippers that try to pass Robin and Starfire's relationship off as being Like Brother And Sister.  Riiiiiiight.  Because you totally blush and stammer and act nervous around and hold hands with and kiss someone you consider like your sister.

Lol shippers.  How you make me laugh so.

updates, robin, anti-robin/raven, rob/star, stupid shippers get on my nerves, epic lulz, robin/starfire, shipping wank, teen titans, wtf, ranting, starfire, sibling love is awesome too

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