Young Justice Episode 21!

Mar 18, 2012 14:42

I was spoilered to hell and back for this episode by people on Tumblr.  *shakes fist*  Let's see how that affected my viewing.

Ohboyohboyohboyohboy... Let's go show!

We open at Mount Justice and Green Arrow and Black Canary are being called in for something important by Batman.  Turns out its footage of "Black Canary" (really totally Miss Martian in disguise I'm calling it) giving Superboy a kiss.


Anyway, GA and BC gasp in shock and... cut to title.  By the way, show, I really REALLY miss the opening.  Bring back my opening dammit!

Miss Martian shifts back to normal and giggles.  Black Canary is hissy that M'gann is using her image for nookie games.  Ollie mostly just lols.

Cut to Miss Martian, watching the TV show "Hello Megan" (from whence she got her catchphrase).  She is such an adorable dork and I love her.  Black Canary comes in and explains things to her, telling her just to "be herself".  M'gann gets defensive obviously, since "herself" is a White Martian.  Batman calls her and the others up to the briefing room.

The President of Not!Iraq has just allied himself with Queen Bee.  "Not a fan," Superboy snarks.  Lol Conner.  Robin figures Queen Bee is somehow controlling the President.  "Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?" he asks.  Oh don't I know it!  The woman was a PAIN to take down in DCU Online.  Since my character's powers were mental-based, I was actually somewhat immune to her drone's beams though.  That was nice.

Batman tells Robin he's leading, since Aqualad is away with Aquaman.  Aww, Robin sounds so unsure of himself.

The team gets in the Bioship and hovers above the Bialyan border.  And the Logan animal sanctuary.  Ahhh, this is where we see Beast Boy isn't it?

AWWW YES IT IS.  MINI CIVILIAN PRE-GREEN BEAST BOY.  YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND I LOVE YOU.   LET ME HUG YOU BB.  And he and Miss Martian are both adorable dorks together.  Too cute.

Turns out Gar's mom was the actress for Megan on "Hello Megan".  So Miss Martian is super-excited to meet her inspiration and biggest idol.  D'aww!  But Marie is kind of jaded about that part of her life.  Hello thematic undercurrent of today's episode.

Aircraft show up and start shooting.  Gar of course gets into trouble.  And gets himself knocked out.  The team crunches the aircraft, of course, but poor BB Gar is losing blood and needs a transfusion.  None of them are O negative.  Well, except M'gann, since she can shapeshift.  Marie shoos the boys out and M'gann concentrates.

The boys, meanwhile, discover a blast from the past in the form of the "Hello Megan" TV show.  RITA'S IN IT!  RITA ELASTIGIRL!  Plus probably a few other DC characters I should know but don't.  AND LOLOLOL GREG AND BRANDON'S NAMES ARE LISTED AS THE CREATORS, SLIGHTLY SWITCHED UP.

M'gann comes in and Kid Flash hastily switches the channel and oh hello Psimon is there behind the President.  Suddenly things are so very clearer.  BB Gar looks like he's gonna make it so the team heads to the Presidential palace.  They find the President but guards barge in.  M'gann, invisible, goes off to battle Psimon.

AWW YEAH, PSIMON VS. MISS MARTIAN: ROUND TWO!  Psimon forces M'gann to go White Martian.

Cut back to the boys after the commercial break and they've knocked out the guards and the President's daughter is thanking them.  They rush to M'gann's aid.  But she knocks them out because she's terrified they'll see her as she is.  And the Psimon knocks her into her mindscape.  M'gann is getting kind of trashed.  I'm worried for her.

We go Inception and go deeper into M'gann's mind and see her fears of her friends rejecting her because of her White Martian appearance.  OH MY POOR WOOBIE M'GANN!  IT'S OKAY BB.  CONNER LOVES YOU.  YOUR TEAM WOULD NEVER REJECT YOU.

But showing her all this makes M'gann really, REALLY pissy at Psimon.  ROUND TWO: M'GANN WINS.  Curbstomped once again.  Come on Psimon, she's more powerful than Martian Manhunter.  You really didn't stand a chance.

Cut to Miss Martian waking the boys.  She's uh... pretty thoroughly crunched Psimon.  Guy's drooling like he has no mind left.

President rejects Queen Bee and BB Gar and mom watch on the TV.  His eyes are green now.  Cool.

KF, stop trying to out Robin's identity.  That's not cool.  But lol at Robin's "Don't you have a souvenir to collect or something?"  Wally picks up the tape and dangles it in front of M'gann.  She looks uncertainly around the room a moment.  It's okay my sweetheart, you can tell them.

She does, and this is the most heartwarming moment ever.  Awwwwww...  Except she only goes bald instead of showing them her White Martian form.  *shrugs*  It's progress.

M'gann goes to say hi to BB Gar and HOLY HECK WHAT IS QUEEN BEE DOING THERE?!  She threatens to tell the team that M'gann's a White Martian.

Welp.  I'm a little scared to go look at the Young Justice fandom now.  The Miss Martian haters are probably all frothing at the mouth and going, "SEE SEE I TOLD YOU THE WHORE WAS THE MOLE!"  When she's not.  She's totally not.  I'm still holding on to the notion that it's Superboy.

Anyway!  A good episode to sate my palate with.

robin, superheros, epic lulz, cuteness, omg, batman, young justice, wtf, shows, dick grayson

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