John Carter

Mar 16, 2012 10:11

Finally had time to get around to this.  Let's do this!

1. Trailers:

Mostly action flicks.  Battleship.  Hunger Games.  Brave.  And The Avengers ashflaksfhalsfknasfomg!

image Click to view

In short, lots of things to remind me that this is the year of the nerd movie.  Seriously.  2012 has the biggest nerd movies ever.  I love it.

2. Cinematography:

I am not going to lie.  This was a pretty movie.  My bb and I saw it in 2D but I could tell the 3D would look pretty good.  The color accents were gorgeous.  The costumes were gorgeous.  Mars' culture was gorgeous.  Everything was gorgeous.

Yeah, that's about all I've got to say.

3. Music:


4. Characters:

I've already said my bit on Sola, but I also ridiculously loved Action Girl Dejah.  'cause she's smart and a scientist and a fighter and just well-rounded all around.  Surprising for something based off a book from 1918.  But maybe the director updated her character a bit, I dunno.  Dejah had most of the pretty costumes, which I wanted, of course.  And she and John Carter were adorable and I think I totally ship them.

John Carter was your average Angsty Joe with Fridged Family who starts out bitter and self-centered at first and then warms up and finds his true inner nobility.  Nothing we haven't seen before, very troperiffic.  But hey, the guy was written in 1918, these were new tropes back then.  So he's like the proto-hero of pretty much everything.

Woola the alien dog was cute.  I want one.

Tars Tarkus was fun.  Loved his snark.

That one bodyguard of Dejah's (can't for the life of me recall his name) was awesome.  I wanted to see way more of him than what we got.

And the Thern were like creepy Human Reapers.  Not fun.

5. The Story:

Rollicking good fun.  Takes a bit to get off the ground, but once we're on Mars the action is all upwards from there.  The story is archetypal and basic, obviously, but it's really really fun and it was entertaining as heck to watch.


I do recommend it!  It is fun and funny and you will be greatly entertained.

updates, my bf is so sweet!, movies, epic fantasy, epic lulz, cuteness, trailers, movie news, i heart married couples

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