Lady Appreciation Post: Rapunzel

Jan 06, 2012 23:02

Because I just watched Tangled tonight and I am in a happy place of Lady Love for Rapunzel.  Oh my gosh.  She's so cute.

"I'll play guitar, and knit, and cook, and basically just wonder when will my life begin?"
--"When Will My Life Begin?" by Mandy Moore
Rapunzel was kidnapped as an infant by the villainous Mother Gothel, who raised the girl as her daughter.  (Gothel abducted her for her magic glowing, healing hair, gotten when her biological mother drank a poultice made from a magic sun flower.  It's a long story.)  In spite of Mother Gothel's passive-agressive, emotionally abusive terrorizing of her for eighteen long isolated years, Rapunzel has just the sunniest disposition and personality.

Pun intended.

Rapunzel is just so happy and cheerful, even with the horrible home situation she's had to endure.  She's also ridiculously talented, as spending eighteen years locked up in a tower means you pick up a hobby or two.  Or ten.  I believe the full list is:
  1. Reading
  2. Painting
  3. Guitar
  4. Knitting
  5. Cooking/Baking
  6. Puzzles
  7. Darts
  8. Paper Mache
  9. Ballet
  10. Chess
  11. Pottery
  12. Ventriloquy
  13. Candle-Making
  14. Sewing
Yeah.  And the girl is really skilled and adept at handling her long LONG hair.  It rarely really gets in her way or becomes a problem to handle.  She uses it as rope, as a whip, as a swing, as pretty much anything.  It's literally a weapon in her hands.

Look at that BAMF.

Rapunzel is also plucky and courageous.  When an unexpected stranger drops in at the tower, she clonks him over the head with a frying pan.  She then proceeds to take charge and strike a bargain with him to guide her to the kingdom so she can see the floating lanterns in person.  Even when she gets scared and intimidated by strange and frightening unfamiliar things, she manages to figure a way to plow through.

"I dare you to mess with me."

Through her adventures, Rapunzel gains much more confidence in herself, confidence usually stifled and suppressed by her mother.  She becomes an Action Girl in the truest sense, and spends more time saving Flynn than he does saving her.  She grows a sense of her own agency and at the end it's strong enough for her to defy Gothel, the only mother she's ever known, stand up to her captor and declare she won't stand for any more of her shit.

"I'm awesome.  Whatcha gonna do about it?"

She's excitable and eager to try new things, and loves to learn (as evidenced by the montage of her and Flynn exploring the kingdom).  She's also willing to sacrifice her own freedom to save Flynn's life.

Tangled is a coming-of-age story for Rapunzel, and it's wonderful to watch this little flower blossom into a strong, confident woman who's found her place in the world, despite all the hardships of her childhood.  I love her forever.


because i love the ladies, movies, picspam, how i love thee!, epic fantasy, cuteness, squeeage, i want my princess movie dangit!

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