I feel fannish!

Jan 29, 2010 19:10

So here, have a meme.


Three fandoms you currently desire:

1. Tales of Symphonia
2. Fate/Stay Night
3. Teen Titans

For each fandom name:

The first character you fell in love with-

ToS: Lloyd Irving.  I blame it on the fact that he has Robin's (Scott Menville's) voice.  And it's just too hard to resist him when he's all cute and concerned over Colette.
F/SN: Saber.  <33333  AKA Kickass Lady of War Constantly Bailing Shirou Out Of Jams.  She's awesome.  I love her.
TT:  Robin.  Captured my heart right off with the fierce determination and kick-butt martial arts skills.  Then he unloaded his angsty and clueless awkward dork sides and sealed my love for him.  I dig the dark hair too.

A character you dislike-

ToS: Ugh, that freaky demonic child-impostor in Palmacosta,  Kilia.  Creepy little thing.  Also not really that keen on Sheena yet.  Maybe when I get to the part where she stops trying to kill the Chosen and joins the group and actually shows off her character background.
F/SN: Shinji.  Jeez does this guy freak me out.  How did Sakura end up with such a psychopath for an older brother?
TT: Um... hrm... Gizmo I guess.  His voice gets a little grating at times.  Oh, and Atlas.  Lame villain, not really that interesting, can't figure out what in the world his motivations are.

A character you find hot-

ToS: Kratos is very yummy. :D  Aside from that... probably Lloyd.  Though it's not so much an, "I think he's hot!" as it is a, "He is so cute and sweet and I dig the hair and military-eque uniform and OMGINEEDTOHUGHIMRIGHTNOW!"
F/SN: Shirou tends to strike my fancy from time to time.  Issei too, with the dark hair and glasses.
TT: Heh.  Robin.  Full stop.  The boy is fiiiiine.

Your top five favorite characters-

ToS: This particular list is subject to change as I finish watching the Let's Play but for now it's Lloyd, Colette, Kratos, Raine, and Genis.
F/SN: Saber, Shirou, Rin, Archer, Taiga Fujimura
TT: Robin, Starfire, Argent, Raven, Slade

Your favorite pairing(s)-

ToS: Lloyd/Colette.  They are just... so cute.  And he's so protective over her and she's so mindful of his feelings and concerned about him and just... gah...
F/SN: Shirou/Saber Battle Couple for the win!
TT: Robin/Starfire OTP.  <3333333

Your least favorite pairing(s)-

ToS: I dunno yet.  I think I'm leaning towards Kratos/Lloyd because of the incest factor.
F/SN: Shirou/Sakura.
TT: Robin/Raven and Slade/Robin.  HATE.

A pairing that needs more love-

ToS: Kratos/Raine intrigues me.
F/SN: Shirou/Saber?  I dunno, haven't really looked much yet.
TT: Red X/Starfire.  Seriously, it's canon and hilarious, why aren't more people feeding it?

For each fandom share:

How you got into the fandom-

ToS: Browsing TVTropes piqued my curiosity about the game so I hit up YouTube to look for cutscenes and Let's Plays.  Clicked 'em and OH HAI ROBIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? and then got addicted pretty quickly after that.  Currently in the middle of watching a play-through.
F/SN: Hee, I blame my BB.  He got me watching it.
TT: Saw an episode while on vacation, looked up episodes to watch when I got home.

Your favorite fanwork(s) for the fandom-

ToS: Lloyd/Colette fanarts "Don't Cry" by sacrificialmoon, "Cookies" by chibired, and "Sweethearts" by imw83.  Father/son Kratos + Lloyd fanarts by shieldmaiden-of-luin, hanbun, and stealthos-aurion.  Fanfic "The Unspoken, Unwritten Rule" by low-light-justice.
F/SN: "FSN Shirou +Saber" by dejichan, comic by veloxiraptor.
TT: For fanfiction, anything by Rena Redhead.  For fanart... erm... way too many.  It's probably just easier to link to my DA favorites pages.

The most awesome moment(s) in canon-

ToS: So far, Lloyd single-handedly breaking out of imprisonment in the Desians' fortress, Genis whooping a snobby student on a really hard academic test, and the group infiltrating the Palmacosta human ranch to rescue Chocolat and pwn General Maximus.
F/SN: Archer pulling a You Shall Not Pass on Berserker, Shirou finally mastering his image tracing and then he and Saber tag-teaming Berserker, any time Saber uses Excaliber.
TT: Any kind of Robin/Starfire tag-teaming, Raven's Calling the Old Man Out speech to Trigon in The End Part Three, "Titans Together"'s multi-Titan Battle Royale with Cheese, the final battle against the ink monster in Trouble in Tokyo.

The most heartwarming moment(s) in canon-

ToS:  Anytime Lloyd and Colette speak to each other, but especially when he's comforting and encouraging her when she's sad about being different because she's turning into an angel.  Also whenever Kratos shows mentorish fatherly affection towards Lloyd.
F/SN: Shirou, Rin, and Saber consenting to let their defeated enemy, little Ilya Einzbern, stay with them at Shirou's house, and later her saying solemnly, "Berserker was the only Servant for me."
TT: Robin's "No one could ever take your place." to Starfire in "Sisters", Beast Boy's "You think you're alone Raven... but you're not." in "Spellbound", the whole cave conversation in "Stranded", Robin and Starfire's kiss in the rain in Trouble in Tokyo.

A random bit of your personal fanon-

ToS: Kratos totally scolds Lloyd like a nagging mother.  In between cutscenes he'll be complaining about the boy's posture and poor grades and trying to make him eat his vegetables.  And he and Genis ship Lloyd/Colette.
F/SN: Rin takes Saber on girl-outings to go shopping and get make-overs in order to help with Saber's body image issues.  It doesn't work as well as Rin would hope but she and Saber do bond on these occasions.
TT: Starfire waits up for Robin whenever he goes out on night patrol.

A cute/funny/cool screencap-

ToS: (Okay, technically ToS2...)



Shirou and Saber being awesome and Battle Couple together.


The affectionately dubbed "Girlfriend Hug" from "Stranded".

genfic, how i love thee!, fandom, fanart, starfire, anime, my bf is so sweet!, robin fangirling, robin, tales of symphonia, superheros, memes, rob/star, archive binge, robin/starfire, teen titans, fangirling, otp, shipping

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