Boredom drives me to do memes

Dec 16, 2009 00:12

--OTP (One True Pairing) Quiz.--

The rules to the quiz are:

1. The OTP can be any part of a fandom (canon, non-canon, CanonxOC, OCxOC, etc.)
2. The pairing can be hetero, yaoi, or yuri
3. Choose any of your OTPs
4. Answer all of the questions
5. After you finish the quiz, tag someone else to take it
6. Have fun

1. What's your OTP, and what fandom are they from?

Robin/Starfire, from the Teen Titans animated cartoon.

2. When did they become your OTP?

Uh… jeez… saw my first episode of TT when I was seventeen, in the summer, fell for ‘em not too long after that, when I started watching the actual series and some cute amvs of them together. (Hooray for YouTube!) That would make it five years ago I believe.

3. Why them? Did you see anything between them? If they are not canon, are they cuter than the canon pairings? If they are CanonxOC, why did you make a pairing involving your OC?

Why not them? They are so Canon and Epic True Love Endgame (yes, with all the capital letters like that) it hurts sometimes. The sparks and sheer love between them was utterly undeniable. If it sounds like I’m hyping them up a lot, well… I’m biased. What can I say? But really, they had a very touching and sweet romantic attraction and concern and care for each other that was quickly evident once you started watching episodes. And uh, they were kinda just too cute and epic to resist. Especially after “Masks”, “Mad Mod”, and “Apprentice”.

4. Now for some fun! If you were to send them out on a date, where would they go and why?

To the amusement park on the pier. *grin* Hey, they seemed to be having a great time there together when “Sisters” opened! I think it’d make a cute fun date.

5. What would they wear on their date?

Probably their uniforms, since the TT cartoon really doesn’t show them wearing much else. But maybe some civvies, just to keep things unobtrusive. I would put them in civvies at any rate.

Robin: Blue jeans, comfy shirt, sunglasses ‘cause he’s paranoid about his identity like that, maybe a jacket to go overtop.

Starfire: A cute blouse and skirt, maybe a pink babydoll tee and denim shorts, something casual but pretty.

6. What would happen after their date?

They would go for a leisurely fly, perch on some rooftop and watch the sunset. And have kisses. <3

7. How would their friends react to them going on a date?

With fist-bumps and sly innuendos on the part of Cyborg and Beast Boy, and Raven just maturely wishing them luck and telling them to have a good time, probably internally smiling. All three would of course be mentally thinking, “About freaking time!” and would admonish the boy to take care of Starfire… or else.

8. What song do you think suits them? Which one of them would be the one singing it?

But… but… there are so many that fit them? How can I choose just one?!

Oh okay, I pick “Keep Holding On”, as sung by Starfire to Robin. It defines their relationship. “You’re not alone/Together we stand/I’ll be by your side/You know I’ll take your hand” and “With you by my side I will fight and defend” and “Keep holding on/Because you know we’ll make it through/We’ll make it through/Just stay strong/Because you know I’m here for you/I’m here for you” and all that good stuff.

9. The two of them of them (with their closest friends) get thrown into a fairy tale.

Little Mermaid? Lol. I think that would be pretty funny, with Star being the naïve and excited red-haired newcomer to Robin’s world and poor Cy, BB, and Rae trying to haplessly clue the poor boy in before the evil witch Blackfire (or maybe Madame Rouge) can steal Star’s soul. That or Sleeping Beauty, for the cute wake-up True Love’s Kiss.

10. Describe what you think their wedding would be like.

Before anything else the two would probably get a certificate and marriage license from the closest municipal center, to make sure it’s legally recognized under U.S. Earth laws. Then the whole Titans network, plus a few mentors and friends, would have a mass migration to Tamaran, whereupon Galfore, a recently Heel Face Turned Blackfire, and a recently found Ryand’r would greet them. (Because in my ideal TT world what’s left of Star’s family really needs to be put back together again.) The trio likely would have been overseeing the festivities, decorations, guest rooms, and ceremony plans for months prior to the special date, and have everything all ready for the Titans’ arrival.

Robin and Starfire wear traditional Tamaranian clothing for the ceremony. The actual ceremony is mostly a Tamaranian one as well, with a few human modifications and additions (like Robin and Star writing their own vows). The reception, likewise, is a mix of human and Tamaranian customs, with much congratulating and hugs and the Titans all being one happy family and stuff.

After the festivities, everyone else hauls back to Earth to resume their jobs, while Robin and Starfire go off and have a long honeymoon filled with galactic adventures. Before returning to Earth for a good old-fashioned terrestrial honeymoon. Most likely in Tokyo or Paris.


Whee! That was fun! I tag, um... YOU! Or whoever wants to do this. I'm not picky.

In other news... I just found out one of my best friends has been getting into Numb3rs. This news was met with a loud squee. And a proceeding mutual gushing about various episodes and aspects of the show.

We are also attempting to get my other best friend into the show as well, starting Thursday. I expect to have something to say about that effort in a later post, seeing as we will be watching Season One which I haven't seen in forever and have only a vague recollection of. Ah nostalgia!

robin, numb3rs, superheros, rob/star, memes, robin/starfire, teen titans, cuteness, shipping, otp, starfire

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