Oy, with the poodles already!

Apr 24, 2012 18:06

phebemarie, we must talk - talk of Dean and Jess and SG actors pitching up in real life shows and the phoebe boufet sisters soundtrack which is driving me up the wall and I think my inner monologue is becoming Lorelai Gilmore!

Incoherent Thoughts on season 3 and 4 of Gilmore Girls

I love Luke, I love him so so much. I am giddy with delight that he's finally getting his head around how much he loves Lorelai. I am going to miss Jason as he was funny but very very wrong for Lorelai. Emily Gilmore continues to annoy the pants off me but I LOVE that Mrs Kim has finally come to her senses and visited Lane. Richard Gilmore I am... ambivalent about right now. Michele! Chows! Kirk has a Lulu! I still hate Taylor (hate!) Unpredictable Jess. Dependable Dean. But Dean's hair - Jared can't seem to find a hairstyle! I love Jess's leather jacket.

I, I, I love this show. But I also hate it. I hate the lack of progress and the stubborness and the back and forth and lack of progress! But I love the drama and the banter and the dialogue and the drama! Its mini drama, not Fringe drama, but still.. I'm squealing like a teenager!

gilmore girls

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