The Eve...

Sep 10, 2009 08:21

After a summer (cough) I mean winter of catching up on TV and series, I am pleasantly surprised to find myself on the eve of Supernatural Season 5 \o/ calm, cool and collected (with a growing sidebar of excitement). Why? How is this possible?

Well, first and foremost, Lucifer Rising (in my opinion) wasn't the most nailbiting cliffhanger finale in SPN history, and wanting to remain as unspoiled on speculation as possible, I have read NO big_bang or summergen fic until now. So a relatively SPN-free summer has resulted in the following 2 benefits:

1. I am a blank excited slate for SPN 5 and have already implemented a lock down on new fic and reviews
2. I have caught up on a suprising number of 'other' TV series, and found new realms of fic


I loved BSG in the random intervals in which I would sit and devour an entire season at a time. The latter half of season 4 was a rollercoaster of emotion! First with Dee and then Felix. Wow. I was quite overwhelmed by the onslaught of death, destruction and revelation. But as for the finale... not too sure if I entirely liked it. It definitely resolved a lot of questions and possibilities, I just don't know if I liked it! Angel!Starbuck? Poor Hybrid!Sam. And well... it was just a little too sad and weird for me, I think. I would have preferred a much happier, fluffier - 'and they settled on Earth, and become the Ancients' type of ending. sigh. I think Season 1 and 2 were best for BSG.

Criminal Minds

Two words on the Season Finale: Holy Crap. I was so not expecting that. Season 3 ended on a doozy but this... so left field, so out of the blue, so 'NO! You can't end like that'. Great two-parter finale as well.

Stargate Atlantis.

Ok, technically, I finished SGA in May of this year but still, it was after SPN. And I love this show! Was forewarned and forearmed on its cancellation (sometimes the only way to handle the end of good shows). So I have been rewatching and reading fanfic and loving it. Am a Sheppard-girl and was rooting for Ronon/Keller and NOT McKay/Keller but hey, Ronon got the cute gate tech girl so am happy.

Stargate SG1

Yes, I am watching SG1 after having seen SGA. The rationale behind this - I got the complete series of SGA before SG1 and have no patience and more curiosity than is good for me. At present I am swimming in season 7 both relishing in the return of Daniel and very much aware that Season 8 is when it all changes and SGA starts. I fully intend to watch the remaining 3 seasons on SG1 concurrent with SGA again, as US TV intended.

And I must say it was been weird watching SG1 with the knowledge of SGA in the background, as they only figure out now about the Ancients and the plague and Ascension etc etc. And perhaps just simply due to the volume of episodes, SG1 has far more 'dud' episodes than SGA. And as much as I like Jack, and his odd-ball sense of humour, at times he's just a little OTT and unreasonable. Perhaps its just my Daniel-bias speaking and a comparison to Sheppard, who I never really got that impression about. Comparing the two teams is both impossible and amusing.


Seasons 1 to 6... whew. I LOVE Dinozzo. and McGee. And Abby. Heck, its by far my fav crime solving show. Not too sure if I like the new Director nor the way they handled Jenny's death in 5, NOR this Ziva vs Tony thing they ended season 6 on, but I still love it!

and that's it. Still have Medium, Bones, House and Enterprise to catch up on... but  its September! \o/
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