Cowboys and Aliens \o/

Sep 03, 2011 20:38

At long last, I've seen it. Better late than never and this definitely needed to be seen on the big screen

So. Daniel Craig and I have a love hate relationship (in my mind). I love his body and acting (shivers) but I really don't like his lips :) He's a tuff, a rough, hard man and not especially handsome and that doesn't bother me - but his lips do. (go figure).

I however, have a HUGE HUGE thing for cowboys, for tough, gunslinging, walking wounded, amnesiac, riding wounding, fast draw, cowboys. I do, I really really do. My love affair with cowboys started so many years ago I can't pinpoint it. Whether it was Lucky Luke, Bonanza, old Westerns, or cultural osmosis, I have me a thing for the mythical, anti hero, cowboy.

Combine Old West with Sci Fi (my other osmosis love) and I'm in 7th heaven. Bravestarr, Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, innumerable animes, and well... Han Solo. :)

Did I like Cowboys and Aliens? Yes. It was a given. Were there downsides, iffy parts? No, not really (for me). The Aliens were one dimensional and villianous and I'm ok with that. The hero ended up alone, and I kinda like that. I got to see the Craig-abbs and chest. There was heroic staggering through the desert. Cool technology used against its own people. Apaches and Bandits fighting together. Boyd! and 13! and well... any movie with Indiana Jones tends to be good (usually).

The only downside to this movie? I want more. I want fanfic about Jake. I want to know more about Ella and her world. Do the aliens come back? Like Star Trek 2009 I want a tv-series of the continuing adventures of Jake vs the Aliens. sigh.

I so need to finish my spn OW Au.



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