Random thoughts

Mar 27, 2011 22:06

Click for random thoughts on:

Bradley Cooper

I remember watching Alias Season 1 (years ago) and thinking,,, hey, he's pretty cute. And then Will went into witness protection and I got wrapped up in the whole Sydney Vaughn melodrama and kinda forgot about my mini-Will-crush.

But as things go, you spot actors you know from other shows and I squeed in Kitchen Confidential and Yes Man and Failure to Launch and was all... its Will, Bradely... to random folk who just stared at me in confusion. And now... he's big. He's up and coming. He's Face. And I love it, I love it when the small time actors make good. Get somewhere, 'cos then I get to see more of them :)

which brings me to

Ben Browder

Why do I not have more John Crichton stills? WHY? Ben should be on the same list as Bradley. Small time that made it big. Becuase he should! I wanna see more of this man. (Joe Flanigan too) Sure Farscape is kinda out there and has muppets and OTT acting at times, but its cool. SG1 improved with Ben, improved! (le sigh)

which brings me to

Actors and acting

Do actors, when in the midst of the big break (i.e. a tv show and or movie where they are not a red shirt or 5 second blip on the radar) actually think: Heavens above this could be it! This could be my only shot at anything decent. I had better save, act sensible and enjoy it while it lasts.

Because I am sure its not easy having a career in an industry when there are hundres of hasbeens fighting for a comeback, current stars jockeying for position and thousands of young, fresh wannabees chomping on your heels.

I mean, honestly, Joe Flanigan may never get another series. Its a real possibility. As much as we all love him, he and David may spend the rest of their lives at SG conventions. I used my Chris Larabee icon because ole Michael Beihn is one of those actors I was crossing my fingers for. I watched Terminator years ago and loved Kyle Reese and James Cameron kept Michael in the limelight for a while and there was Tombstone, but then Magnicent Seven hit and ... Michael Biehn has done nothing really 'big' or 'good' (in my mind) since. Sure, he's worked but... as a fresh young Kyle Reese famous guy, did he think: this could be it, my one true shot and maybe one day, I'll be on this brief cowboy show and that'll be the beginning of the end of my career.

I wonder about Jared and Jensen too. They have both had careers in shows and movies prior to SPN, but is SPN going to be it... the highlight, pinnacle of their career? Not everyone is going to be a Richard Dean Anderson and be MacGyver and Jack O'Neill. Or George Clooney and have meteoric movie fame or Bradely Cooper who suddenly explodes into stardom, or Ryan Reynolds who was awesome to Two Guys A Girl and is now... Ryan Reynolds.

I watched Jonathan Brandis in Neverending Story 2 and Ladybugs and Sidekicks and thought as a child... I like him. Then there was Seaquest and I was in child crush heaven... and then nothing. For years nothing from the man, until I imdb-ed him years ago and found out that he had committed suicide because his career had tanked.

It just makes me wonder, if actors these days or then, or whenever are sensible enough to think and prepare: this (whatever I am in) could be it. Make it worthwhile, milk it, act your heart out, enjoy. It could be the only shot in the sun I have.

and lastly

Rec: Last Child by Jackfan2. I read this until 3am last night/this morning and finished it this afternoon. I wish she had more stories. She writes excellent hurt!Dean... sigh. And just... yeah. read it!

rumination, spn, fic_rec, rec

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