Teen Wolf Season and Series Finale

Oct 22, 2017 22:10

No spoilers here (spoilers under)

I was ready for Teen Wolf to end. Not because I wasn't enjoying it or that I had lost interest. Rather, I am firmly of the opinion that series 'need' to end and that an endless, long running series eventually runs itself into the ground.

Teen Wolf wasn't the best scripted series either, with it's attraction being the characters and their interaction rather than the plot. Season 5 managed to pull itself back from (imho) the dulldrums. Season 6 however suffered the absence of key characters and a lackluster plot. Thus, I was ready for it to end and I waited for the entire 6b season to air before watching it.

Spoilers below:

Thank goodness I waited. As expected there were filler episodes, iffy plotting and WAY too many ancilliary characters. I squeed in total fangirl delight at the minor, minor Sterek subplot-teaser thing. Two scenes. Episode 11 and Episode 20. Utter brillance. And a sign that Teen Wolf needs Stiles and Derek. It just does. I love Scott, he's my fav. But we need Scott, Stiles, Derek. We just do.

The reveal of Scalia was ok and sweeter than Scira in the end. Malia needs a wolf-partner and Scott just needs someone I think. I still prefer Scallison but honestly, I like how Scott/Malia was a natural outgrowth of their friendship and pack. I was cheering a lot louder for Melissa/Chris (\o/) I still wanted to see Scott's reaction to that, a reversal of how Chris reacted to his relationship with Allison.
I missed Stiles. I really did.
Hurrah for Jackson and Ethan. I think they were wasted as inserts tho.
In fact, I felt we were deprived of a truly epic finale.

As a finale, it hit the spot with the return and inclusion of Derek, Peter, Jackson, Ethan, and Kate. It felt right - all tied in. I loved how Scott's pack returned to him, pulled together. I wanted Isaac to come back as well :(

As a finale it missed a good resolution note. We needed an epic battle or standoff. The fight with the fear thing was ok, nothing as cool as 3a or 4's finale tho. It needed something more and I wanted a face off with Monroe, a semi-battle before the humans backed off or came to their senses.

I loved that epi 20 was essentially an excuse to showcase BAMF!Everyone (except poor Ethan). I liked the ending. Scott looked so hot. still a pack, still fighting. I wanted to know though if they went to college, if Stiles is actually an FBI agent.

I plan on rewatching the whole series with my niece.

Thanks Teen Wolf. You get better on rewatches :)

teen wolf

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