Justice League Trailer

Mar 29, 2017 20:26

I have mixed feelings about the upcoming Justice League movie. DC has released 3 movies in their rebooted verse and I've been disappointed 3 times. Too dark, too serious, too much overkill on drama, unneccessary tension and a general lack of fun.

I remain optimistic about Wonder Woman, as it at least looks fun. DC fooled me with Suicide Squad but I'm hoping Wonder Woman breaks the curse on their efforts.

However, Justice League... worries me more. It's the live action version of the JL: War movie (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3060952/?ref_=nv_sr_1) which was released not all that long ago (2014) and was a great movie. In addition, it had everyone - including Green Latern and Shazam (but no Aquaman). I don't mind the addition of Aquaman to the roster, as I a) love seeing Ronon in movies and b) do not have a Big Bang Theory aversion to Aquaman.

CW nearly gave us the Flashpoint Paradox storyline, but didn't, so with Jason Momoa as Aquaman we have the option of a cool live action version of the Flashpoint Paradox (which Batman v Superman may have hinted at). HOWEVER, I am doubtful of DC's capability of creating a good team movie, and I fear for Justice League. It almost doesn't matter if Superman is waiting in the wings as a surprise 'Big Gun' to take out Dark Seid, because... I fear the movie will lack the humour, fun and lightness of the original story. The trailer looks good, but I'm feeling very much a sense of 'fool me once...' with it.

The sad thing is, I want DC to succeed. I want a good JL movie. I love Marvel, and it remains my favourite verse, and not every Marvel movie has been fantastic, but DC shouldn't be failing this hard. Why? Because they've been giving us good feature length cartoons for years. And wonderful cartoon series for years. My teenage years hold fond memories of the old WB Batman, Superman and JL cartoons. I want a fun, light-hearted with powerful emotions movie. Marvel (for all of its issues) has done that successfully for years now. Sure, sure, Marvel's success may also be its downfall as it milks the gravy boat (mixed metaphors for the win) but aside from Avengers 2, I delight in each installment. Civil War trounced Batman v Superman. Dr Strange whipped Suicide Squad. And you know what, who would ever have thought that Superman would be outshone by Captain America. But he has been. My heart is big enough to enjoy Cap and Sups. I want a cool, awesome DC/JK movie. Not dark. Not dramatic and overwhelming with drama.

Come on, DC. Be as cool as you could be.
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