Sherlock Season 4

Jan 21, 2017 23:20

At long last, I've watched it.

I had mixed feelings about season 4. I didn't particularly enjoy season 3. or season 2 if I'm honest. It's the same reason I haven't really enjoyed (whole heartedly) Doctor Who since season 7.

And the malais is? "Trying too hard to be clever"

Stephen Moffat has brilliant ideas. Great, wonderful, terrible ideas. In Sherlock and the Doctor the worst of that terrible brilliance shines through. Two men who are supposed to be the smartest, most intelligent men in the universe and ... we get stories that are just awful. Well, the stories aren't truly awful - they are over-worked, over-engineered and frankly in the end, boring.

Episode 1 of season 4 was ok. I knew Mary was going to die. And what ruined it all was the farfetchedness of it all.
Episode 2 was just too weird by half. I liked the psychodelic theme and overtones and the notion of a wealthy psychopath, but it was just too much. It's saving grace was John's confession and realisation about Mary. And the hug. The rest, eh.
Episode 3 was offensive. No really, it was. The Holmes brothers have not two, but two secret siblings, one of whom is a girl, who is the smartest and therefor insane and must be institutionalised. Really, that's the message. Clever girls are too emotional and jealous of their brothers, so they kill them and end up in an asylum and then take horrific revenge, but wonderful big brother just loves her to health!? semblance of health? And the whole scenario with different rooms and psychological torture... bleugh. If I want to watch that, I'll watch Saw.

the whole season felt like Sherlock not so much proving his cleverness but facing scenarios to show it off. Not proper mysteries, just convulted, ridiculous set ups. This is the problem with Dr Who now. He's so clever, so heart broken, so wonderful and terrible - what more can we do, how else can we show his wonderful, horribleness.
And throwing in a Moriaty cameo just to appease the fangirls on tumblr. Pff.
I'll stick with watching Elementar and waiting for the next Dr Strange.



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