The song remains the same: I'll be good by Jaymes Young

Jun 05, 2016 17:47

This song is currently one I love to listen to and often find myself singing in random moments.

I first came across it in my quest for a good Flash vid and found this Barry Allen vid:

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Now, its a great vid all told. Lovely editing, well put together and as much as I love the song, (which I obviously do), after several rewatches, it doesn't really fit with Barry Allen. It can, and there are times in which it does, but the lyrics lean more towards a person who has previously done bad things and is trying now to be good.

So I went in search of a fandom where it the lyrics are really apt.

My next find was Teen Wolf:

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There are most certainly characters in Teen Wolf who are seeking redemption and are trying to be better. I think particularly of Stiles post season 3b and the twins. Even Derek to a degree. The vid is another well edited, put-together vid but is positioned as an ensemble cast vid, i.e. everyone gets a view. On that note, the song doesn't quite fit the whole cast.

I found a multifandom vid:

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Now this is a lovely compliation with some great fandom choices, which do fit with the overall theme of the song. Nicely edited, but I am not a fan of the snowfall overlay and I don't like the cover of the song. I prefer Jaymes' original. There are a few more Multifandom versions I need to watch, but so far this I like best (for the multifandom).

Then, to the two who (so far) fit the song best. Bucky Barnes and Matt Murdoc.

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The editing on this one is great, and what with the vidder using civil war, the footage/vid quality isn't great, but it really works well. Bucky is truly a character who (through no fault of his own) has done questionable things, but wants to be 'a better man today'.

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The daredevil vids contains scenes for all of season 2, so beware if you've haven't finished it. I love this vid. I love the dynamic of Matt&Claire s1 and s2, and this song touches on aspects of both of their characters and relationship.

Please feel free to comment with your own 'I'll be good' fanvid recs :)

daredevil, fanvid_rec, mcu, teen wolf, flash, song remains the same

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