Movie review: X-Men - Apocalypse

Jun 04, 2016 08:51

In a nuthshell: I really enjoyed it.
Overview: It wasn't as cool as Days of Future Past (give me dramatic time travel anyday) but it was still great. I kinda like how the franchise has rebooted itself without actually 'officially' rebooting. Special effects? Great. Drama and Action? Great. Less angst than I feared? Thumbs up. It was a really good installment and I appreciate the self-reference to third movies being awful, but Return of the Jedi is my fav Star Wars *rolls eyes*

Of the three big superhero movies this year, I still love Civil War more (the best). X-Men handily beat Batman v Superman. By far. The rest of my review is a series of letters I semi-composed during the movie and on the drive home, (and in the bath)

Dear Flash Writers/producers

By now I am sure you have seen X-Men Apocalypse and if not, please go see it. That part when Quicksilver saves everyone. See it? *points* That, that right there puts you and your show to shame. The Flash is supposed to be the fastest, faster than Quicksilver. I know budget wise you can't exactly have those sort of special effects, but.. come on. Do better. A simple google search confirms that comic Flash is faster, the fastest, and yet, based on movie/tv depictions, Quicksilver in X-Men is kicking his ass. Do better! Also... stop messing around with time travel! I'm still pissed about the finale!

Dear DC writers/movie producers/people

Marvel - is kicking your ass. Stop being so serious! Stop trying so hard. Civil War pwned you. X-Men has now pwned you. Do better!

Dear Marvel people

Please, please don't ever try and smoosh X-Men into Avengers. NO matter how cool it might seem. Just leave it. The marvel comic verse is confusing enough - lets leave Avengers and Fantastic Four and X-Men in their own movies verses,,, kay.... just, stop calling people in the MCU enhanced. They are mutants, kay?


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