Dr Who Season 9 - All, the Christmas Special and Season 4 ep 8&9

Feb 19, 2016 05:40

I am still not terribly impressed with season 9. I do like that Ashielda remained an ongoing thread, but if I am completely honest, I skipped the middle part of most episodes (because it was boring/blah) and went to the end. Which meant I had to go back in episode 10 and find out why Clara was now dying, instead of Iggy/Jiggy/whoever.

Episode 10. Was I supposed to be sad? I was really sad when Donna had her memory wiped. The end of her story and time with the Doctor. It felt wrong, wiping out all those years and joys. I hurt along with Ten, I wanted Donna back. Amy and Rory were wrapped up a little more neatly. Sad, yes. But, it almost felt like it was time, because the doctor was getting in the way of their life, as it were. Sure, they ended up in the 1940s, far from home, but they had each other. I think because Amy, in the end, loved Rory more than Eleven that her decision and farewell were poignant, more than full of regret. I liked that ending, because I felt sorrow for ending of an era, not grief. And it made her reappearance in Eleven's final moment's all the more perfect and touching.

I was talking about Clara, right? Now, having seen all of season 9, I understand the approach to Clara's death and it was saving someone else and … I think I'm miffed that it didn't move me more. I like Clara, I do. I just don't 'get' the relationship between her and Twelve. I don't 'see' it. So, her death was an 'oh well- I'm sure the Doctor will try something'. I'm not really going to miss her and Twelve as a companionship. That is sad, that I feel that way.

Ep 11 and 12 almost (almost) redeemed the season. Ep 11 was a fascinating exploration of hell, damnation, time loops, perseverance and the Doctor. I rather enjoyed it. I don't know that I buy entirely the premise that in a castle of re-set itself every day, he was able to tunnel through stuff harder than diamond. I may have missed something, but I'll still go with the awesomeness of 4 billion years tunnelling through diamond - because he's the Doctor.

Ep 12 was less enjoyable. I don't completely understand how much of Clara the Doctor remembers (which is I suppose is the point), and I'm glad that we revisited Gallifrey but… the whole half-breed thing was… convoluted? Or did I miss something in season 9? Possible. I did like the end though. A last hurrah for Clara and Me. I'm perfectly happy with the idea of the two of them travelling around, doing stuff in an American diner. I liked the symmetry of the Doctor forgetting a companion, in a similar fashion to Donna forgetting him - for their own good.
Here's something though. It took me flipping forever to realise that his sunglasses was his sonic screw-driver.

In a general comment I still prefer the Moffat seasons. I think we've had a better exploration of what it means to be a time traveller. The ideas and stories are fabulous - just poorly executed at times. i.e. rushed. Tagged on. Like season 6. Brilliant - all of it, but the ending was rushed and manic, like we were running out of time. I can see the same flaw in Sherlock - incredible ideas sometimes let down by execution.

And now we come to the Christmas Special.

As a rule I don't like the Christmas specials. I don't think there is a single 9 or 10 special that I like. There are many 11 and 12 I don't like. Nope.

Eleven's first, season 5's special - sheer utter brilliance. Restored my faith in Christmas specials. It still involved saving people and by de facto saving Christmas, but it was brilliant. It remains my favourite Christmas special.

The Husbands of River Song? Not a Christmas special. Christmas was random add on. It was the farewell River Song deserved. It’s the episode we've been waiting for since Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. The last time River saw 'her' Doctor.
And it was sheer, utter brilliance! Everything it should have been. Everything!!

From River not recognising him… because of the 12 faces and rules and such. LOL. And the Doctor, so desperately trying to connect with her and having the best time through out it all. His expression at all her husbands, the quip about Marilyn Monroe. The supporting cast - especially tweedle dum/dee. The story. Stealing diamonds, just because. Archaelogical back doors 'I dug you up.' Sigh.
And then, when she realises who he is. OH oh oh…

And then the singing towers and the Doctor's face and time travel to get her to a restaurant and … the sonic screwdriver and the flow chart is COMPLETE!! He mentions the flow chart and and and and flail!! It's the last time he'll see her because the next Doctor face she meets is Ten and then… sigh. (Altho I do hope for another River romp, but this was unexpected and I think the door is now closed on the Doctor's Wife.).
I had to go back and re-watch Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Its just so frigging perfect!!! The tone is just right. River knows him, loves him and its killing her that he's looking at her like a stranger. Filmed and written years apart and yet so… so… utterly perfect. The best, saddest and funniest love story ever. A time travel love story. And I love it.

This is why I like Dr Who. This stuff. Do you hear, Moffat? This stuff. Beautiful poignant feelings. And I am sad that I don't mourn Clara. Because this special made me like Twelve. I liked him with River. It was fun. He was fun. It worked.

River and the Doctor. I need to go find a fanvid with all their moments…. Now that it's done.

(an aside, Ten has the best hair, by far.)

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