2014 Finales

May 18, 2014 21:38

Well, the finales I've seen so far have been true to form, with Blue Bloods being the only one to maintain its non-cliffhanger ending trend. Personally, I think the cliffhanger ending it getting a little old as a tv trope. Do modern audiences really need a dramatic, must-see the conclusion ending in order to watch the next season? I know its practically tradition, but is it necessary. I can understand a series on its last legs wanting to squeeze in an ounce or three more of ratings to save itself, but these days Tv series are cancelled so far in advance of a finale, is it even a worthwhile tactic.

Personally I found Castle's cliffhanger ending both unneccessary and predictable this season. Castle has had some decent finales, but this one just ticked the cliche box and I rolled my eyes.

POI was better but I don't know if I like the direction the story is going. I feel its become: Person of Interest; How Skynet was born, realistically speaking, by the Nolan Brothers. *stares at the scars left by Dark Knight Rising*

Chicago Fire: *shakes head*

I still have quite a few more finales to watch. Lets see if the trope continues.


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