Semi Book Review:Magicians Guild by Trudi Caravan

Jan 18, 2014 13:00

I finished this book finally this week. I started it mid-year in 2013, and only pure determination made me pick it up again as it was in two words, slow & boring.

It had an interesting enough start, but then pretty sunk into the doldrums of nothing happening for chapters until a brief flare 3/4s in and a rushed finish (in my mind). It's part of a trilogy and maybe thats the issue, but eitherway, I struggled to care about the characters and the slow pace really hurt my enjoyment.

So flist, has anyone read the series? Should I continue?

And then on a seperate note, what should I read next? Book 5 of the Overlander Series or try finish City of Glass by Cassandra Clare?


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