I am going to miss you, Eleven (Matt Smith), I really am. You were, are and always will be 'my' Doctor and as much as I will try to love Twelve, its just not going to be the same. The Doctor and the Ponds - my Ten and Rose, I suppose. The best of companionships, the first and prime in my fangirl heart.
I cried, at the end, when Amy came.
The Time of the Doctor may have tied everything up in a neat little bow, all the loose threads, all the 'but what about the?' and I appreciate that - I also don't care to examine it all that closely *points at tears*. I'll admit, for me, season 7 ended with Amy and Rory and River and the Angels, and the last half and the special were bonus, interesting, and 'oooo Clara'.
I tip my hat to you Moffat. Thank you for Eleven, the Doctor who I love and intrigued me to try Who again. I tip my fez to you Matt Smith, thank you for crazy windmill arms, bow ties and floppy hair. I raise my glass to Karen, Arthur and Elizabeth - thank you, thank you.
Thank you for touching my heart, making me smile, squee and flail in delight. Thank you for creating a wonderful slice of fantasy to which I can return to for an uplifting, heartfelt reconnect on rewatch.
Thank Dr Who.