I love h/c fic *beams* Its not the reason I started reading fanfic, but its the reason I stayed. Over the weekend I dived into some fav h/c fic and was plunged into a torrent of memories, both of the time in my life when I first read those fics, as well as fond memories of other fics.
This also got me to thinking - what are the classic whump tropes, the iconic h/c scenarios that rev your fangirl heart? The old favourites.
For me, I have a few. Please feel free to throw in yours (and a rec or five)
1. Staked out in the desert/heat - hurt, waiting for help (or the hero thinking they are alone).
This one comes from my M7 fanfic days and it wasn't all that common, probably because Westerns have been portraying it for years. But it always got my heart a fluttering
2. Captured - hopefully by enemies, bad guys, in peril
Gosh. This trope is used on such a regular basis even today, in TV shows, movies and yet it still revs my engine. The hero bound, separated from family/friends/team. I've used this classic many times myself and it still attracts my attention.
3. Temporary physical disability.
Oh boy is this a popular one and with good reason. Some fics stretch credibility but on the whole, what's not to love about Sheppard temporarily blind still kicking ass. And that's usually the part I love, the continued awesomeness of the wounded hero (hence also the credibility factor)
And finally, the classic h/c trope I dislike. The misunderstood anti-hero. You know, the character who is a little borderline on the white hat squad, the Ezra Standish. And then due to circumstances, misunderstandings, misconceptions, the rest of the team/friends/group think he's flipped, or she's gone back to her old ways, or he's showing his true character and in a series of events that usually involves the hero getting whumped for the sake of the team/friends, the truth is revealed.
yeah, not my fav,I think mostly because it tends to go OCC and OTT *shrugs*