Book Meme

Jan 27, 2013 21:36

As seen on kriadydragon's journal.

1. A fictional character you identify with and why.
Already the first one is a tough one, as I don't tend to 'identify' with characters. I obsess and fall in love with characters, but I don't tend to see 'self inserts' or parallels in my life. Having said that though, I identify with Sybil Ramkin, from Terry Pratchett's discworld series. The first time I read the series, she was just a character I liked, but on one reread I found myself really identifying with the strong, lonely female who never expected to fall in love. There is an aspect of wish fulfilment for me, in that she marries Sam Vimes but that's what fantasy is for, right?

2. Your earliest memory of reading or being read to.

My parents were both very good about reading to us as children. My mother bought us girls a couple of series of books, the mail order kind - a Disney series and Stephen R Cosgrove's Serendipity series. Between those books and random others, I remember gathering around either parent and being read to. From early on, books were a wonderful treasure in my life.

3. Your favourite book aged 9 ½, or 13 ¾, whichever you remember best.

At 9 ½, I was reading a lot of Enid Blyton, and the Mallory Towers series was my fav. I really enjoyed the Famous Five series, but Mallory Towers was definitely a firm firm fav. Based on that book, I wanted to go to boarding school but my mother assured me I would not enjoy the experience.
At 13 ¾, I was heavily into fantasy and Lord of the Rings and David Eddings were my prize books.

4. The book that’s been on your shelves the longest.

My bookshelf still has some books from my childhood, so that's a tough one. Probably all the Famous Five books.

5. A book you acquired in some interesting way.

The one I stole from the Library! :) Dragonflight, the first in the Pern series was a school library book. I was a librarian at school and borrowed the book and just never got around to returning it. I recall asking the teacher who ran the library if I could have the book, and I said yes. So guilt absolved but years after the actual borrowing.

6. A book with a story for you, that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time).

All books do that for me. Either when I revisit the place, person or memories of the time - or reread the book, I am drawn to that first moment. I remember distinctly reading Lord of the Rings (a combined volume) during the winter holidays in grade 6, eating fruit loops for breakfast (while reading) and lying on my bed reading about Frodo dying.
Twilight reminds me of Thailand as I read it first whilst on holiday there.

7. What fictional character are you (secretly) in love with.

I make no secret of my love obsessions with fictional characters. Fitzwilliam Darcy has long been an object of desire for me, and Sam Vimes... certainly ticks all my boxes. I had a thing though (since I was young) for Garion from the Belegariad which is probably why I didn't like C'Nedra when they got married ;)

8. The last book you acquired, and how (begged, bought, borrowed?).

The kindle makes it all too easy to aquire books these days. I bought a Dresden Files book online and found an old to_read book in a second hand book store.

9. Your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next.

Not reading anything currently, but plan to do so while on holiday. Last read was 'The Final Empire' and probably next will be a Dresden Files

10. What author do you own the most books by and why?

Oh, another tough one as I tend to be a collector of books and series. I own just about all Anne McCaffrey's books, as well as David Eddings' and Brian Jacques and they were/are quite prolific. Oh, nearly forgot - Raymond E Feist, also another prolific author. Terry Pratchett is also a numerous feature on the bookshelf.

11. Do you own multiple copies of any book? What are they? Why do you have multiple copies?

One, I think. A famous five book because I was given a compendium of five in one and one of the five I already had.

12. Book borrowing - do you use the library? Do you prefer to try before you buy? What about lending your books to friends? Are you a good borrower, do you remember to return books?

I used to use the library, but my local one couldn't keep up with all the newest fantas books. With the kindle I can now try before buying and I love that feature. I relucantly loan out books and I generally remember to return ones I have borrowed but usually need to be reminded :-(

13. Do you reread a lot? Why (not)? Name a book you have reread many times.

When I was younger and had more time, I reread a lot. I reread David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Anne McCaffrey and others a great deal. Now, I only have time to read it once.

14. What is the best book you've read in the past year?

The Dresden files (books 2 to 4) and The Eyre Affair.

15. Do you recommend books to other people? If you could force everyone you know to read one book, what would it be?

I do, indeed, recommend books. I usually recommend Terry Pratchett more than any other.

16. Adaptation: What book would you most like to see made into a film? Do you like to read the book first or see the film? Any books you have read after seeing the film version?

I don't always think its such a good idea, making film adaptations. I have experienced both versions - reading the book first, then the movie and vice versa and as a rule, I prefer seeing the movie first, as the book is invariably (but not always better). The chances of being disappointed though with the book is slim. Some books work well on screen, like Lord of the Rings and others don't. I don't really want my fav books on screen where the adaptation could ruin it.

17. What is the most difficult book you’ve ever read?

Difficult as in language difficult? Moby Dick. Beautifully written but very dense. The book I struggled through and hated, but had to read... Animal Farm.

18. Your favourite book series & your favourite book out of that series.

Eeek, this is really tough. There are so many series I love, so I'll go with the top ones:
The Riftwar Saga - best book was Silverthorn
Discworld Series - best book: Nightwatch
Pern Series - best book: Dragonsong and Dragonsinger
Redwall Series - best book: Mossflower
Shannara Series - best book: The Wishsong

19. Your favourite picture, junior fiction and Young Adult books.

I am fairly partial towards Percy Jackson, and the CHERUB series.

20. Least favourite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise.

The oblivious hero. The main character of the story, or one of the main characters remains blissfully unaware of a critical relationship/fact/or belief of self, often for the sake of more melodrama.

21. A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving.

Ender's Game. I had tried Orson Scott Card before and was not convinced I would like this one. But my friend persauded me, and I read it almost in one sitting :)

22. Your "comfort" book.

Nightwatch by Terry Pratchett

23. Favourite book cover including a picture!

I have always been partial to this edition of Queen of Sorcery

24. Favourite fictional relationship (romantic, friendship, familial).

Elizabeth and Darcy ;)

25. Most annoying character ever.

You know, I have wracked my brain and cannot come up with a single one! Feel free to remind me if you have one!

26. Most quotable novel or 5 of your favourite quotes from any books.

I love quoting from Lord of the Rings - Gandalf and Sam have so many great lines.

27. Any five books from your "to be read" stack. What makes you select a book for your “to be read” stack?

My to_read stack is massive - between the samples on my kindle and goodreads - its fairly easy to make the to_read list - if its fantasy, looks interesting, weird or unusual, I'll give it a go.

28. Some firsts: First book you remember loving/being obsessed with. First book that made you cry. First book you gave to someone else as a gift.

First obsession... the Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula le Guin. great story! I loved Tombs of Atuin as well. First cry? Uhm, ... that's a difficult one. Probably Charlotte's Web. First gift - gosh, I can't remember - but I love giving books!

29. Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!).

Most satisfying is easy - any of the bid bads like Voldemort or Sauron. You are rooting for their demise and you get it. I still chuckle that Rowling offed Voldemort with 'experillarmus' (can't spell tonight). On the saddest character death, that's a tough one. I cry often in books, usually around death or poignant losses but I am drawing a blank here. I thought Hazel's death in Watership Down was quiet and peaceful. I cried when Master Robbinton died in All the Weyrs of Pern. I'm wracking my brain and can't think of a truly 'not right' death... oh well.

30. The End: do you prefer everything tied up or to be able to 'make up your own mind'? What is the worst ending to a book you have read? And the best? (careful, spoiler tags!)

I prefer happy endings with a modicum of resolution. I don't need it all wrapped up in a pretty bow, but I prefer resolution. I tend to abandon books who may have potentially bad endings. You really have to surprise me with a bad ending as I usually see them coming. I thought Robin McKinley's Pegasus had a crap ending but only because it has a sequel and ended on a cliffhanger. The Long Earth also had an iffy ending, because of the next book.


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